Responses from tweak1
Advice needed re: new CD player purchase If I was in the market I would definitely try the Technics | |
Best DAC+Volume Control under $1000 (used) Over the decades Ive owned lots pres and dacs, both tube and SS. For about 2 years now I have enjoyed a Audio Alchemy DDP-1 (DAC/PRE) and PS 5 outboard PS. It has most of the I/Os needed and the remote allows me to switch between my Oppo 105 direc... | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Van Morrison Poetic Champions Compose | |
Best SS Amp - Pass Labs X350.8 vs. Luxman M900u vs. Ayre VX-R Twenty @jjss49 It is not your responsibility to make such comments Notice he used the word PREFER "I would prefer feedback from anyone who has compared any of these combination of Amps." | |
Best SS Amp - Pass Labs X350.8 vs. Luxman M900u vs. Ayre VX-R Twenty I highly recommend reading the various LSA Voyager 350 GaN amp blogs here. It’s only ~ $3-4K, but I believe you can spend the rest of the money on anything else and not look back, or forward to another ampALSO, I bought my 105 new and used it fro ... | |
REMINDER: tighten up your loose screws I had a similar experience with my speaker binding posts between my outboard XOs and the speakers | |
PS Audio Ultimate Outlet. Does it work well on amps? I have a PSA UO 20amp, that I use for front end kit to my AV system. On my main 2 channel rig I have a dedicated line, and a Core Power 1800, purchaes to plug everything into, but the amp sounds audibly better plugged direct into the wall, which h... | |
LSA Voyager GAN 350 versus Merrill Audio Element Amps or AGD Grand Vivace and Vivace Amps @vinylvalet As one of the few who own a EVS1200, highly moded by Ric, and loved the heck out of it ... until I got the LSA Voyager 350 GaN amp, I assure you, done right, GaN is way beyond flavor of the week. The one I have is bone stock, to boot, ... | |
For SACD fans only I bought a 105 new and played it that way for years. It is well know that the 105s biggest issue is/was the power supply. One day while surfing ebay I came across upgrades to the power side. First I did the Furutech- silver wire and a jumper to by... | |
Spring Theory Some of you may know I have a LSA Voyager 350 GaN amp, with the top off. It's dual mono with the PS, which is half again as long as the modules (closer to the back panel), in the center. This leaves ~5" of space in front of each module, and the ar... | |
Monitor suggestions? these are excellent and at a bargain price | |
Spring Theory Very Interesting!I had been using Machina Dynamica Springs, both cryoed and HD springs under all but my speakers for 5+ years. The Nobsounds are significantly betterAt first I was using 4 under each component but was short a few to place under my ... | |
Monitor suggestions? Underwood HiFi LSA speakers seem a great fit for you. The issue with monitors is that they require stands, unless you really plan to put them on book shelves hth | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Melissa Ethridge Brave and Crazy | |
LSA Voyager GAN 350 versus Merrill Audio Element Amps or AGD Grand Vivace and Vivace Amps yyz, I forget was your mod from Ric or from Underwood? FYI: Today's Underwood sale email has special price on a stock Voyager and their moded version. I have no idea how it compares to Rics mods |