
Responses from tweak1

The Future of Audio Amplification
piaga, for some reason I do not see your post which starts out ... 01-03-2019 2:42pm EST hello brotw Sorry for the late response, this thread has come to large and techincal. I find it hard to follow.Well, my Nord NC500 One UP is just burnin... 
Beware of SACD Transports -- they probably will not work with your favorite DAC
SACD is a proprietary format. It must be played using an SACD player or a transport with SACD outputs. Not many player/transports have that, if they do they are $$$$$.I have a Oppo 105, which I can use as a transport(bypassing the internal dacs) B... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
sixsigmaPS makes 2 amp versions 300 & 700.The 300 likely uses a different module than the 700, which I am told sounds MUCH betterchances are you have the 300s 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
noble/TimFYI: I had 2 EP 100.2SEs (with upgraded fuses) for well over a year. I got the bug and bought a Audio Alchemy DPA-1 stereo amp. It is much richer in the midrange and bass, deeper and more holographic sound stage= much closer to real music 
The Future of Audio Amplification
so Kosst, are you saying all class D has audible distortions? What about A and or A//B? Don't they as well?I have a 20 amp dedicated line, Core Power 1800 PC for front end . I bought it for my amp/s too, but they sound better plugged direct to wal... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Ric, I found it, but I don't see anything specific about mono v stereo. That said, my last 4 class Ds were monos. Only my current AA PA -1 is stereo. Too bd your amps aren't readyI have a chance to do a swap with a guy who has the AA monos for my ... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
ric I did not find the Audio C link you referred to. Maybe Im looking in the wrong place. I am new to the circle and cannot use the search featureReply 97 says Title of the thread: Amplifiers with IcePower 1200AS2, class D module. 
The Future of Audio Amplification
plga, I just checked Nords site. It would cost > $2.2k for the Mk IIs. I don't mind the wait, but I can get a pair of AA monos for ~ $1500 (MSRP $3990) and that extra $700 I would need to spend now is a big stretch. I realize that the perceived... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
I may have given my 2 cnts somewhere in here. Anyway, Emerald Physics 2.8s are on sale, or can be purchased with a little bargaining round $5K. I haven't heard them, but based on my 2 years with their KC IIs, they should be giant killers. Open baf... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Ric, really good input (NPI) from you;) and likely why Peter Madnick's AA design got such rave reviews. Owning the DPA-1 (stereo amp) the only tim I notice glare is from poorly recorded discs. And yes, I recall ringing whn I had my KBA 75 with cha... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
George, are you not the same George who reviewed he Hattor passive pre with the Nord class D? 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Thanks Ric, but @ $4K US per, I would need to take a loan out on my house, so I would probably get the GaNs first. However, I might be able to extend my budget for your amp to see how it compares to my Audio Alchemy DPA-1, although I am currently ... 
Looking for new speakers
Just watch YT video about the Emerald Physics KC IIs. I highly recommend you watch ASAP, and you might get the christmas special pricing 
The Future of Audio Amplification
^Yes, George. and that was th case with all previous class Ds that I owned, but, the Audio alchemy is different. I can hear the resonance and warmth of same inside acoustic guitars, coronets...FYI: as much as I hated to, I sold my Hattor XLR, but ... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
GuidoCYou seem like the perfect candidate to get the GaN ampsI have owned 4 different gen class Ds, Parasound A21,  and a behemoth Kinergetics KBA 75, which I think was puree class A. It grabbed a hold of the heads on my then Genesis Vs, like none...