
Responses from tubebuffer

An Objective Review of the Tekton Double Impact Speakers
Speaker look like first grade project using refrigeration boxes. Maybe compare to box store junk they maybe better but who have time to open up replace part and bracket inside to make decent product.op need lesson on what is objective meaning. Wha... 
An Objective Review of the Tekton Double Impact Speakers
🍿I just waiting for class action lawsuit. 
TANNOY will stop Hi-FI ?
Tannoy one of best. Rest is pock on the but of baboon. Almost good as Maggie. 
Seller ants my credit card info
If he was Maggie owner I give to him but Raidho guy never be trusted. But he selling so maybe he reformed bad guy. 
Tekton versus Klipsch
My Viking 62 is class one fishing machine. It weigh close to 100,000 pound and go 42 knot. Quit dilly dally with say this speaker so much better than that at bargain price point. Built the best and stock holding Putz thinking about value nobody bu... 
6.5 vs 8 vs 10 woofer
My wife say after having 6” and the 8” she like my 10” best of all.  
sensitivity question
I bet you put you little Peter behind the lamp light so it look bigger!!! 
sensitivity question
This same guy that start butcher thread with speaker like banjo. He is try to make reaction because he don’t like audio. He should try Maggie speaker and see what real man speaker can do not some cheap junk. 
The two most common mistakes are bass and treble
Baby got Back.I like speaker than can follow gentle harmonic structure and textures on Indian Girl by the slick Rick. 
Raven celeste competitors/alternatives
It weigh 15 kg. I can curl two of these with one arm. 
Raven celeste competitors/alternatives
Why these amplifier come with towel racks on them? 
If the Shunyata Black Mamba is snake oil, then put me down for 55 gallons!
My wife sister like the black mamba but she also seem interest in my boenicke. 
Why not more popular?
Open baffle remind me of fat gym teacher. Something just not right. 
My best retort to those that think we listen to our stereos more than the music
Looking Party speaker
You need get boom box if you looking to attract honey. Do you lift? Music alone will not get you lady coming up to you like me at the beach you have work hard. Good luck!