
Responses from tsushima1

ARC Ref 75 vs. Ref 75 SE
An audiophile acquaintance has only recently completed his home trial period with an ARC REF 5SE / REF 75 combo, and has part Ex'd his previous incumbent EAR 912, much preferring the REF5SE, whilst giving serious consideration to moving on his, an... 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Well that's me entirely confused Bif!!!As far as I was aware the GS150 sports the newer gold coloured non Teflon coupling capacitors as do/did late production Ref150's like my own.Have ARC now flipped once again and returned to the White Teflon's ... 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Bifwynne...Pleased to hear that your decision to upgrade is delivering for you, were you advised as to the full parts list involved in the upgrade? and could you clarify please that Kal was referring to the main 2 Micro Farad/350V coupling caps? A... 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Bifwynne...Pleased to hear that your decision to upgrade is delivering for you, were you advised as to the full parts list involved in the upgrade? and could you clarify please that Kal was referring to the main 2 Micro Farad/350V coupling caps? A... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Bifwynne ... I look forward to your own considerations upon receipt of your SE'd 150. If I may inquire, during your discourse with Kal, did you run through the 'fine print' of the one year warranty? 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
My my Oregonpapa, all So predictable I am sorry to say, I rather think that the only one responding with an Infantile Strop Is yourself!I have no intention in the slightest in pandering either to your pretentious and touchy ego or your 'demands' f... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Oregonpapa...My congratulations on your appointment as Obfiscation Central's new 'Point Man' I trust that you will endevour to handle product information and customer services with a little more transparency than we have been used to of late! Perh... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Whilst I would agree that the price point for upgrading the REF75 within CUSA is almost compelling, for owners of an REF150 and in particular REF250's perhaps the exponential cost of upgrading may require a little more consideration.It also remain... 
Audio Research 75 SE
Well Oregonpapa! Should your career in stand up comedy not work out, it would appear that you would be a shoe in with customer services over at Obviscation Central.Should you wish to make yourself really useful, perhaps you might inquire of your '... 
Audio Research 75 SE
Hmmmm, well Obfiscation Central were hardly going to leak any other set of percentages were they? when one does the math on the residual $3000 for a handfull of resistors and capacitors, together with a meter or so of silver plated copper wire!!! ... 
Taralabs cables
As I opined upon a little earlier in this ' Tara Labs, The Cable Zombie ' thread, were I the Marketing Director of Tara Labs, I would have sought a gagging order on this 'individual' some time ago. 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Well Well, I feel compelled to thrust an ice pick thought my left testicle just in case I am either dreaming or hallucinating.An unequivocal responce from Obfuscation Central !!!!!" I received the following from Kalvin at ARC"Audio Research will a... 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth..... I am also highly skeptical of your claims to have heard the effect of Rick's current flagship line of cables, either within your system or elsewhere! And therefore your credibility in commenting thus. 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Errrm, No we do not. 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
I believe that ARC also have plans to offer an upgrade service for current non SE Ref150 owners, via their dealer network, latest figure banded about = $3,000 including a set of ARC tested KT150's.