
Responses from truthseeker

Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo
Much of this conversation boils down to whether or not you believe that sub-80hz bass is directional. I don't believe that it is...and my experience has born this out. Therefore, the notion of stereo bass below 80 is meaningless to me. I suspect t... 
Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo
>>I suggest you spend part of your discretionry dollars on a good audiologist.<< Do you have to work on being obnoxious, or does it come naturally? Instead of attacking the message, you choose to attack the messenger. Instead of giving... 
Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo
Folks, as it so happens, I had a pair of Velodyne HGS-10 subs. Yes, a PAIR. I experimented with many locations...stereo, opposite walls, 1/3 wall, staggered, etc. I ended up stacking them and placing the stack just outside of a corner. Even played... 
Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo
This whole stereo sub thing is nonsense. Hardly any info there. Hardly heard. If you can detect a difference, it's because there are now TWO subs in the room instead of one, and the strain on the single sub will now be halved. It's the transients ... 
Quad 12L Active Monitors
Compared the two side by side a few weeks ago.WORLDS of difference! The Actives are FLAT RESPONSE monitors which tend to sound bright in non-dampened room. But ohhhhh, the detail and resolution. Cymbals sound like REAL cymbals. The brush circling ... 
Velodyne DD Series
The bass on the last subwoofer I auditioned was sooo fast that it left the room before I even heard it. 
Von Schweikert VR4jr's in a 15' x 12' Room?
Others may disagree, but that room seems waaay too small for the Jr.'sI have LCR-15's in a much larger room...sub, of course.