

Responses from truemaineiac

Putting together first system... clueless.
Baliacta, a lot depends on what type of music you will be listening to the most and the type of sound that you like. I would really encourage you to seek out as many systems as you can to hear so that you can get a feel for the differences between... 
Whats the ultimate 300b or 211 set amp 36watts rm
Pavpet, does this relate to your post in 2009 on ruby 211 amps? Why are you so blown away if you heard this 4 years ago? 
Oh, the frustrations of the speaker search
In the end, it made me realize that even a $2000+/pair speaker can have its flawsWrite this down with the date, frame it, it will be something to cherish in the years to come. 
Need help with a Tube PREAMP.
The shindo auriges as mentioned in that review is very good and can be found used from time to time near the budget of the op. check don betters website for deals. He has them from time to time. 
B&W 802 Diamond or 800 Nautilus
Look outside the b&w line. 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
@Tigmag1, your post inspired me to get some Blantons and it is very good, very unique. If you like single barrel, you should try Balvenie 15 single barrel, best dollar for dollar scotch you can get. 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
The Balvenie 21 Portwood 
What's a great system at these price points?
Joseph, as I mentioned in another post where you were singing the praises of the Audioengine products, you should really be clear that you are a dealer for that product. I don't doubt your insights but listing this disclaimer is in your own best i... 
How many fuses in a McIntosh MC275?
Marakenetz, do tell of your experiments with blind tests of standard and audiophile fuses. Of course it would be disingenuous to suggest someone's direct experience was to be false or untrue due to an improper scientific method if you had not rigo... 
Audioengine A5+
jriden, I just noticed in your system notes that you are an authorized dealer for audioengine? It would have been relevant to the discussion to let us know so that we could be aware of this in reading your comments. This makes a little more sense ... 
Audioengine A5+
Jriden, your analogy is a bit skewed. It is not like I was comparing a full-on vandersteen 7 and audio research system against the A5+. The system I mentioned is not too far out of line cost wise with the a5+ except that I have a dedicated amp/dac... 
Audioengine A5+
I have the A5+ that my daughter absconded for her own use. These do sound very good. To replace them for my office system I got a pair of Silverline Minuete Supremes powered by a peachtree decco 65 fed USB from macbook pro. I also put with it a kl... 
Separates w/internal phono vs Integrated + phono
I owned the VAC Avatar Super as well, it is indeed excellent. The new VAC integrated which I auditioned is very nice as well but more expensive at around $10K. I now have shindo separates which outperform the VAC (in many but not all ways) but I t... 
Separates w/internal phono vs Integrated + phono
@Jmcgrogan2, what are you running these days? It seems like I recall you being into VAC? 
Separates w/internal phono vs Integrated + phono
I don't think it is a straightforward answer, you really have to look at the specific options that match your unique needs. You have to see what your budget will get you among the configurations you have to choose from. It may be better to skew th...