

Responses from truemaineiac

The "Eagles" - Best Albums
There was a great documentary about the eagles put out recently, excellent. Onhwy61, that is a funny reference. "had a rough night and I ******* hate the eagles man." 
2014 wish list
Maybe a new cartridge or even a whole new TT and cartridge. It's still early. 
Help with buying used Sonus Faber Cremona m
It is hardly every possible to optimize all needs simultaneously. You want a specific model, specific finish, at a steep discount, in 30 days. Are you in congress? 
Intractable Problem
This is just a wild hunch but I would try another set of speaker cables with your amp to those speakers. It seems like it is something with the speaker wire if you switched speaker wire between channels and nothing changed (same speaker playing at... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
Thanks Llyoyd, I will definitely check those suggestions out, I do not need much encouragement, especially at this time of the year. I have heard good things from others about the Macallan 18 and must try even though I am not a fan of the younger ... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Charles1dad, I agree, tube amps have their moments but I too have never been subjected to hiss, pops, ticks, etc. My current tube set-up for both pre and amp is very quiet. 
VPI Direct Drive Turntable
I figured it out. Free shipping on orders over $99. 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
dchang, the lm218ia worked fine with the silverbacks, plenty of drive, a very good sound. I ran across a used shindo montrachet and auriges and couldn't pass it up, would have been happy with LM and the silverbacks. 
Best single-malt Scotch...
I have really started to enjoy scotch and bourbon over the last 3 years but have invested considerable effort to make up for my lost years. In my approach, I really tried to get to know the different scotch regions as well as irish and american wh... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
I have had Devore SBR speakers for a few years. At audition, I heard them with a Boulder SS which sounded amazing. I have run them with a VAC 80W integrated, a Shindo 15W integrated, an LM218iA 25W integrated, and now a 25W shindo montrachet. Thes... 
Borrow 845 Tubes in ATL
Thanks. I put up a wtb ad that you can respond to. I really appreciate it. 
How would you feel
You said it retailed for $9K but what did you pay? I hope VAC goes internet direct soon. 
Looking to sell my LP Collection
Don't they have people selling records at audio shows? With that type of collection it may be worth getting a table at one of them and price accordingly, sell the rest on here. 
Are KT88 Gold Lions Amp Tubes dependable
The early runs were not as good but they seem to have got it down now. I love this tube. 
Food or beryllium tweeters for my DeCapo's
Tubeears, you really bring out the fun that you are having and the anxiety of our audiophile journey. I am glad you are enjoying your speakers and new tweeters but don't forget that you are treating the symptom and not the underlying nervosa. The ...