
Responses from tpsonic

Amp Options/Questions for Revel Studio v1
Bhodge The left/right gain balance isn't the issue.If the tweet/mid amp and the bass amp used don't have matching Input Sensitivity,then the speakers'tonal balance will change.One beong disproportionate to the other.The IS is usually stated in the... 
Amp Options/Questions for Revel Studio v1
I must ask again-are there provisions for gain matching.I ask this because if the input sensitivity is different,then the levels between the two different amps won't match.Aleph 0s?Jadis Defy 7 mk II+,Quicksilver Silver 90 or a little extra warmth... 
Goertz Zobel?
Zoebels at the speaker terminals.You may need two pairs,if they aren't built-in to the cables.All Zoebels are not created equally. 
Match amps to speakers
Lamm/Wilson would produce a good balance,Magicos with Lamm or VAC and Verity/Lamm or ARC-depending on cabling and sonic preference.The Magico and Veriry would probably prefer the lesser cu.ft area for bass reproduction.YMMV. 
Power cable for Transport
I've always had good results using the Omega Mikro active PCs.They offer filtering of the third-prong (common),where all the digital artifacts dwell.There are two colors-red/in-phase and blue/inverted.The 100W version can be had from their website... 
Hi Output MC cartridge recommendations?
Bang for the buck:bottom/top of the Dynavector family. 
Hi Output MC cartridge recommendations?
Sumiko's Blue Point cartridges,Benz, 
N00b, recomendations... cheap, good DAC w/ S/PDIF
Have obtained good results using the Citypulse DA-7.2X with chip upgrade.I believe these are up to $469.Check out Audio Magus.They offer a return policy,as I understand it. 
Transfiguration:sonic balance/Axia shares Phoenix
Larryi, With only 4 dealers,I can see why.Hammertone Audio (importer) has an interesting site.Xact also. 
Linestage needed
It may be time for new tubes.Linestages to consider:First Sound,Supratek,Lamm,Jadis (w/tube rolling).Possibly Wyetech Opal. 
Minimax preamp,inverted polarity question
Reversing the RCA won't work.You would need to go inside the sub and swap +/-.With your set-up and the sub being self-powered,this nay be necessary. 
Tonearm choices for xv-1s mono
Two arms that spark my interest:Tri-Planar and the Reed.The Reed comes in 3 lengths. 
Amp Options/Questions for Revel Studio v1
If $6500 isn't over-the-top (+/-) the Lamm M1.1s. 
Newbie - Which USED Amp & Preamp for under $2500
The Bryston 2,3,4b-st amps are very solidstate like.No worries with McCormack,Steve is great to deal with.Stratos are also excellent amps,differing in the warmth department.Must disagree with the AI-it burns thru tubes and they are slow-as-molasse... 
Transfiguration:sonic balance/Axia shares Phoenix
After speaking with two different dealers,the impression is that the bass could use a little "goose-ing". I had a very informative discussion with Steve Dobbins/Xact Audio.Our perception of cartridges seemed to coincide.After our discussion severa...