

Responses from tpreaves

Wadia 170iTransport and Cambridge DacMagic
I have heard the wadia thru the cambridge azur 840c and it sounded pretty darn good.The files were apple lossless amp was rogue cronus(tube) and speakers were paradigm studio monitor 100. I may be mistaken but I think the dac in the 840c is the sa... 
best match speakers for Marantz pm8003?
In my opinion,speakers are the most "personal" of all audio equipment.You need to listen to different makes and models and find something within your budget that sounds good to you.That being said,I bought a pair of Tyler Acoustics 7U's on written... 
Guitar's...what do the audionuts play?
seagull s-6 acoustic and fender '72 thinline tele reissue with tweed blues jr. amp 
Good, cheap power cord/interconnect for subwoofer
I use PS Audio power punch pc's on all my equipment. They add nothing nor take anything away from the sound. The construction is top notch and they look really nice if that matters to you. The price is right at well under $100.00. I can't comment ... 
Are high-end manufacterers pricing themselves
Cost of materials aside, what does that tell you about the mark-up? 
Audiophile grade country
Wayne "The Train" Hancock has a really well recorded live album titled "Swing Time". If you haven't heard his stuff, I highly recommend it. 
I always do something stupid...
I sold a Dokorder open reel recorder I once had. That was really stupid !!!!!!!!!!! 
Variable analog output cdp under $800 used?
Look at Cary CDP-1, will matchup with you amps and they sound great, I own one and use it with a tubed integrated. There is one for sale now here on A'gon, no it's not mine. 
I Just Don't Hear It - I wish I did
I just couldn't help myself, it was like when you pass a car wreck, you just have to look!!!!!! 
a Couple of Good Jazz Picks
I just picked up "Quartet Live" with Gary Burton(vibes),Pay Matheny(guitar),Steve Swallow(bass) and Antonio Sanchez(drums). It is a really good recording. 
I Just Don't Hear It - I wish I did
I can't believe I just wasted 45 minutes of my ,way too short, time on this planet reading this stuff!!!!!! I could have listened to DSOTM for the 10,000th time.Jeez Louise. Please ______(insert diety of your choice)help us all!!!!!! 
Artists that sound alike - your best match-up
Okay, I've got another one. Bjork and two cats copulating!! 
Artists that sound alike - your best match-up
Keith Richards and a braying jackass(if the jackass has a cold) 
Speaker match for Manley Stingray Int. Amp
Well, as usual, I busted the budget !! I bought a Rogue Audio Tempest II Magnum,Cary CDP-1,and Tyler Acoustics 7U.I am very happy for now. 
$2500.00 to spend on int.amp and cd player
Thanks for the suggestions. I finally settled on a Rogue Audio Tempest II Magnum,Cary CDP-1 and changed my speakers to Tyler Acoustics 7U. I love the way this set-up sounds.