Responses from tpreaves
Advice on interconnect choice Hey Stringreen,we are on Audiogon.Better fire up the coffee pot!!!!! | |
question about Cary 306 sacd pro, owners help??? If it is in an enclosed rack and he has to squeeze the player in (no room on either side),the player is more than likely twisted a bit.This happened to me a long time ago with my old Sony equipment. | |
Synergy Jaybo,when buying equipment rules your life, it's probably time to quit!! | |
Meeting up at RMAF this year David,we stopped being the colonies a long time ago.Have a good day. | |
Hybrid vs. Straight Tubes You will not hear real tube sound from a hybrid.This is my opinion,others will probably disagree and that's fine by me. | |
Cary Rocket 88R bias setting with EL34 tubes? I would contact Cary Audio Design and talk to them.That way you know for sure and won't have to put your trust in someone who might not know what they are talking about.I'll probably get slammed by some self righteous "know-it-all" for saying that... | |
Tyler Decade D4M Call or e-mail Ty Lashbrook and talk to him.He is a straight up businessman and will not BS you.Check out the Tyler Acoustics website and see his warranty and return policies, very generous to say the (270)691-9500 | |
Affordable tube amp match for Tannoy HPD's? If you can, check out some Rogue Audio products. | |
Your Top 5 Favorite Power Ballads Power Ballad...I've always laughed at that term.Call it what it is,songs to get chicks to buy the record!!This term came out of the 80's hair band era.I'm pretty sure Floyd,Hendrix and Trower would not like to be included in this bunch.This is jus... | |
new kt 90s any good ? Chrissain,there's a lot more difference between the M-150 and M-180 than the tubes.I doubt you will get the results you are looking for by just adding the KT-90's.Just my thoughts. | |
Suggested power tubes for Onix SP3 integrated amp? When you get your new power tubes then you can start on the signal tubes again!!! What a hobby,gotta love it. | |
Harbeth HL5 vs Magnepan 1.6qr Who wins?? I don't understand why a lot of folks think the 1.6's need expensive and high powered gear to sound good.I have heard them with very affordable,reasonably powered gear,both SS and tubed and they sounded great. I will agree that the larger(more exp... | |
Harbeth HL5 vs Magnepan 1.6qr Who wins?? Hard to say,two totally different type speakers.For "overall" I would give the edge to the Harbeths just because I think they could be used in more situations than the Maggies.Both are fine sounding speakers.My opinion,others may differ. | |
B&W 802 N vs. D Quick question, how does one know a speaker sounds 40% better than another speaker? I found that comment interesting. | |
Reel to Reel for play back Some open reel decks only use 7.5" reels,10" decks can use both sizes.I owned a Dokorder 10" deck in the 70's,wish I still had it!I have seen open reel decks here on Audiogon for well under $1000.00.You would be pleasantly suprised at the quality ... |