Responses from tooblue
VPI 3D arm @drewmb1 , I am using two different metal Classic arms in lew of the 3D arm that came on my Prime. One of the arms are off a Classic 1 and the other from a Classic 3 with no mods, these arms are interchangeable, I believe the problem is with some ... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Mail person showed up while I was washing my pickup today, love that woman, enjoying Duke Ellington/Piano In The Background, Joe Turner/Big Joe Rides Again, Hendrix/Both Sides Of The Sky, Crosby Stills, Nash & Young/Bill Gram Tribute Concert S... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Dee Dee Bridgewater/Memphis, yes I am ready, The Kinks/Low Budget, Ronnie Spector/English Heart | |
Classic Over-reaction! Them friggin toasters. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? @slaw, had my Just Won't Burn out ready to play and am digging for Heroes Are Hard To Find. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Richie Havens/The End Of The Beginning | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Neil Young/On The Beach, Winton Marsalis/Black Codes from the underground, Clarence Gatemouth Brown/Pressure Cooker | |
What Do You Think Of This? You know that is a tuff one, we all have had similar experiences and probably from both perspectives. Bottom line if the guy had good feedback, active buyer and seller with a track record you are really at his mercy, I know have to take one for th... | |
Excellent Cart Alignment Aid Thanks, just ordered me one after seeing your post, these look so much more worker friendly than what I was using. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? @reubent , thanks for getting what I was talking about, Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School is great. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Warren Zevon/Trouble at Dancing School, Ozark Moutain Daredevills/Car Over The Lake Album, Joe Jackson/Live In New York, Summer In The City, Waylon Jennings/Dreaming My Dreams. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? @reubent, Gold Plated is a great album. | |
Hifiman HE560 The original earpads that came on my 560s were tapered/thicker to the back with felt on the part that touches your head, I am powering mine nicely with a Yamamoto HA-3 with 1.4 watts also getting good results with my Yamamoto HA-2 with .35 watts. ... | |
Benz Micro Ace Sh hours As long as you clean your albums and your stylus regularly there is no reason not to expect 1500 to 2500 hours play time out of your cart. I currently have 2200 hours on a ZYX Universe that I keep waiting for it to let me know it’s time, still sou... | |
John Prine What a beautiful talented man, have loved his songs and his gift of story telling for longer than I care to say. |