

Responses from tonywinga

Sound quality of Newer versus Older speakers
If you google the white paper for the Thiel CS6 speaker, you will find that Jim Thiel was addressing time and phase coherence and energy storage decades ago. All of the things that have been mentioned here is not new. I’ve had my CS6 speakers for ... 
What phono preamp are you using?
My Zephyr Star MIMC ES sends the tiniest of signals to an ARC Ref Phono 2SE and then into an ARC Ref 5 SE.  By now the signal has been boosted some 68 dB and then goes into a pair of Pass Labs amps to get another 20dB boost.  From there it’s rattl... 
Ayon CD player issue
I bought an Ayon DAC and Transport in January.  They are amazing.  
For all you Vinyl lovers!
You know, it’s fun to play music all day with the CD player or music server but then comes dusk and it’s time to put on the vinyl- ahh, so smooth and relaxing. CDs or servers are like a hot shower- a convenient and quick way to relax but putting o... 
Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?
Thomas Edison, who was a showman, would do blind listening tests with his audience using a live professional singer and his new phonograph on stage.  Over a hundred years later and nothing really has changed.  
Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?
Millercarbon:  I beheld.   Woof!  Like wow! 
Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?
I'll have some fun here and throw in my experience and opinion.  20 years ago I was living and working in Germany.  I left my stereo system behind in South Carolina.  It wasn't long before I was roaming the streets of Stuttgart looking for an audi... 
Thiel Owners
I put the grill clothes back on my CS6’s. It was fun for a day to listen to bare speakers. They sound different with the grill cloths off but more natural with them on. Also, I have been tweaking my speaker position lately as well and I think I ha... 
For all you Vinyl lovers!
And now I have some new records that come as a 2 disc set- 10 minutes per side. I’m just nodding off when I hear, "ker Plunk" and I have to get up and turn the record over. Sheesh! But it was absolutely the best 10 minutes of the day. 
For all you Vinyl lovers!
So what makes vinyl so special?  Why do we love it so.  Nostalgia?  Not really.  Some of us older folks have a 40+ year investment in music.  Our choices of formats was much more limited back in the day.  I once heard that a couple of engineers si... 
Thiel Owners
Do you know how many CS6s? 
Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?
Hi vegasears,I understand what you are saying.  The CS6's do not have that chest thumping bass if that is what you are looking for.  I grew up in the 70s when we played hard rock loud and fuzzy and the drums kicked you in the gut.  These days if I... 
Thiel Owners
Yes.  Thank you very much.  
Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?
I noticed one major speaker brand that has not been mentioned in this thread of infamy and that is Sonus Faber.  I have only heard them twice in stores but they sounded very good to me in the store.  I also like Wilson speakers.  I have heard Wils... 
How old is your cartridge?
My Soundsmith Cartridge is a half year old now.  Based on the last two cartridges I had and wore down to nubs I estimate you can get about 500 miles out of a stylus.