
Responses from tonyptony

quicksilver amps and preamps any thoughts ??
My friend has been a long time owner of the full function preamp. I like it a lot. A musical and transparent preamp with no hint of grain, excessive bloom, or "tubey" warmth. Beautiful midrange and speed when paired with a good SS preamp. I think ... 
"Bedini Ultra Clarifier", does it really work??
I have one of the regular Clarifiers. Back in the days when I first got it my friend and I got together for a test. He and I have a lot of the same CDs, so he brought some of his dupes. I had him sit in my listening spot (we used my system, which ... 
Does anyone know the future of EAD.
Without getting into the warrantee issues, I can confirm that Boelen does indeed do great work on EAD gear. Frank Boelen was one of the founders of the original EAD, and many of the staff are from the original company. 
Best AV Processor for 2 channel
This only works well, however, if your preamp volume control can be set to the same point every time you use your HT system. Otherwise the levels for the LF / RF speakers may not match the others. Ideally you'd have a preamp with either a HT bypas... 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
Tgun5, that's out of my price range. I like the concept, though. We use stuff like this all the time at work - that is, wire to fiber converters. Mostly either for digital data or streaming video. The fiber converters we use, however, are not that... 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
Yes, I have a SS preamp, but I'd be looking at ICs on the order of 20' or so. 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
That's what I suspected. So, in a case of an RCA IC, is it still a better idea to go long IC / shorter speaker cable? 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
I'm reviving this thread, becuase I am now faced with the same situation. It seems that if one has to look at long ICs, using balanced is recommended. But what if (as in my case) my amp only has RCA inputs? Is there any value at all in using a bal... 
Goertz Bi-wire or something else
Sean, I hate to go off on a tangent, but you raised some good points about long cable runs for speakers. Is there any general consensus (assume a well behaved SS system) for using long IC runs versus long speaker cable runs? Assume RCAs for the IC... 
Great service from Mark Levinson and Madrigal
Get ready to pay $1000 just to have them look under the hood. It's their new customer-friendly policy. 
Proper method when rack is not on cement floor
Zargon, much thanks for the detailed information. I should be able to do all that you mentioned (as needed). It's just a question now of getting it all in place. 
Proper method when rack is not on cement floor
That's a great suggestion, Sean. Thanks. I can easily get a 4x4 cut to the right size at my local lumberyard. But, I have some questions...The room where the equipment will be placed is 11' deep x 17' wide. The floor joists run from front to back,... 
Proper method when rack is not on cement floor
Okay. Just have to find someone willing to get into that crawlspace! I'm too big a guy to squeeze into something like that. I took another look at it, and it's more along the lines of two feet or so. 
Proper method when rack is not on cement floor
No problem. Is the idea to "push up" a bit on the jack once it has been put into place? That is, to put some counterpressure on what is probably a sagging floor? If so, how is that done with these jacks? 
Proper method when rack is not on cement floor
Rushton, that link takes me to a sort of general page on HD. I see no jack posts there. I did a search and found a Tiger Brand selection in HD. Are these the ones you were referring to?