
Responses from tonykay

Time to Get Specific
If something you buy doesn’t work right when it gets to you, does the original purchase date really matter? On the other hand, if it works well, who cares! The reality is that the answers to those questions don’t guarantee anything. 
There should be a "Rant" category...
I can hardly believe it...a thread about ranting and no hint of politics. Thank you, God! 
Speakers under $5000 maintained a reputation for quality sound over the last 15 years.
Sonus Faber, Thiel. Many models, from both companies, can be found used for less than $5,000 in today’s market. 
There should be a "Rant" category...
Really...10% and he countered? That’s ridiculous! You would have been crazy to buy from someone like that. Gordon Gecko said that greed is good, but it really isn’t. Others may disagree with my opinion, but at least you now know the truth...and yo... 
Paul is Done
His recent DVD, “Paul Simon-Live in New York City” was worth the money. If you like Paul Simon, you will love this performance. You won’t be disappointed.We saw him twice, in Oakland and Berkeley, California. Very unforgettable!  
Paul is Done
I agree with both of the above posters. Paul Simon (with, or without Art Garfunkel) has always been A-list for me. When I have heard that he has a new album, I have bought it without thinking. He has never disappointed! I will miss his music. 
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile
If you like this hobby, both magazines are worth a read. Try not to get too wrapped up in the opinions of the writers. Think of it as entertainment, that’s all there is. Great pictures! 
CD player just tanked.
PCB= printed circuit board. That’s all I know about technical stuff. 
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile
I subscribe to both but don’t spend as much time with them as I used to. Just FYI, they are both about the same size now. That old, pocket-sized Absolute Sound format disappeared years ago. 
CD player just tanked.
Look, this CAN be an expensive hobby. You decide. I don’t know you or your wife but she may be right about returning to your 70’s system. Before you do that, ditch the Arcam and replace it with your Sony CD player. If all else fails, there’s alway... 
Thanks, uberwaltz! 
Technics Turntables...really???
Technics, like all other manufacturers in it’s time, made some tables for mass market. Unless you’re new to this hobby (or this planet), you should remember the famous SP10 series of tables. The new 1200 line has been well-reviewed, and universall... 
Sell in May, then go away (LOL)!  But seriously, it is summer and people are busy. I'm here a lot less since the introduction of the peepholes. Very ridiculous. Is there any way to turn them off and just see the equipment? 
New Audiogon equipment search format.
I’m still seeing peepholes! What gives?Clock is ticking, guys. If you don’t care, then I don’t care. If I don’t care, I just won’t come back. You decide. But seriously, peepholes? How ridiculous. Please fire whatever genius came up with that idea. 
Audiogon screws up their site even more
The votes are in, and so far no one seems to like the new format. Peepholes are ridiculous...just ridiculous! Audiogon doesn’t seem to understand that readers don’t like these changes. I hope they change it back or it will be a much smaller, vacan...