
Responses from tonyangel

To DAC or not to DAC
All of the options are just mind numbing. I do appreciate the responses.Since my primary source these days has been my Sonos, I guess I'm gonna try to get that sounding better first. Then I'll get a good transport or CD player.Stan, I'm glad that ... 
Finally saved 3000 what is a good setup.
Well, as far as speakers go, there was a guy on ebay last night selling a pair of Monitor Audio RX-1s for under $400; but you'll need to convince him to ship. 
Need some help with an amp.
I didn't buy the amp on audiogon. I got it on ebay. Really, the guy didn't have much feedback, but what he had was positive, so I took a chance. The claim was that it was "like new" (exact words) and had been tested. Once I got the amp out of the ... 
Need some help with an amp.
I don't have balanced outputs on my pre nor balanced inputs on my amp, but I did order another IC to try out.I also emailed the seller. He's giving me the silent treatment. 
Need some help with an amp.
OK guys. I really appreciate all of the words of wisdom and experience. I went and picked up my amp today. I got to talking to the guy, and it turns out that he does all of the repairs for most of the high end shops in my area and is the NAD warra... 
How does Aragon 24k/2004 stack up to modern equip?
I recently picked up an Aragon 2004. It replaced a Harman Kardon PA5800 that I was using. It was kind of funny because one of the tracks on a Sade CD that I like turned out to have falling rain in the background. I had never heard it before. I'd h... 
Need some help with an amp.
Well, I contacted my local high end shop. The owner is a pretty nice guy. He referred me to a shop that happens to be less than a mile from my office. He tells me that he's been using this guy for 30 years and that he really knows what he's doing.... 
Need some help with an amp.
Yeah, the whole humming issue is just a minor annoyance that I may have been able to work out, but the current running through the chassis really had me concerned. I really didn't think that it was normal for any sort of current to be running thro... 
Need advise...B&K ST125.2 or Aragon 2004
I see that a bunch of people checked this thread out, but no one commented. In any case, I thought I'd follow up for the curious. I wound up going with the Aragon 2004. I got the Aragon because I've always wanted one and I got it for what seemed t... 
b&w 685: heard 'em, liked 'em, but wondering
I can't/won't recommend any particular sub, but will say that you should seek out one that is intended for music rather than home theatre. I'm using a Paradigm PW2200 right now and, well, I just think that there is something not right about the co... 
What is the best DAC under $500?
I'm running an XDA-1. For me, it was a no brainer for the price. I'm running five digital sources and the XDA meant that I only needed one DAC.I'm pretty sure that you could find better if you hunted around a listened to a bunch of equipment. All ... 
Active or passive preamp
I really appreciate the information. I just ran across a NAD C162 preamp for sale. Based on the info that I got and my previous experience with NAD equipment, I went ahead and grabbed it.Thanks. 
Active or passive preamp
Just for purposes of understanding, would you say that an amp with a higher input impedance would be better? Why?Thanks again. 
Audiocubics R-cube remote volume control review
I know that this thread has been dead for a while, but I just ordered one of these myself. I wanted a single source preamp to act as nothing more than a volume control and was getting on ebay to get an Axiom, when I saw this.I'll update when I get... 
Emotiva XDA-1 DAC?
I just got mine. I give it a thumbs up, although the only things I've had to compare it to are the internal DACs of the receivers and Pre/Pros that I've had. I'm now listening to the best quality music I've ever heard in my home.Ignorance is bliss...