

Responses from tomic601

Vandersteen 5Aa Carbon--any 5a owner's opinions?
overly flat at least w just eleven bands of EQ under 120 HZ sounds dull and lifeless....so says the manual, Richard and for grins I tried it w 5 a..true enuf dialing it in the last .5 DB was lackluster....no real urge to mess w 7. ' s yet..enjoyin... 
Quatro Wood CT VS. 5A's
on the question of tweeters from a how are they made point of questioning just call Richard - he answers the phone....Cant say I have heard all three side by side in same room w same front end. The 5 a Carbons currently for sale on Agon seem like ... 
Vandersteen 4
neat to see somebody pushing to keep this speaker on an improvement path. Richard answers the phone.I had 3 a sig but in a smaller room. Big SS mac poweramp had viselike grip on low end.have you tried soundanchors on your 4's ?probably need to mod... 
What vintage speaker might you use today
Bozak - dad had half concert grands..had to sit on floor for image..Dayton WrightTympaniESLearly TheilFreid yes Bud..i still have the Mac MX 110 Z and a 240 but driving a pair in Linn Sarahshould have kept the ESL..omg what a sweet midrange... 
Best near wall high end speaker
Larson..another vote for. Heard a pair a model from top of range in Healdsburg ( so i may have also had some wine). Pretty stunning sound for boxes right on the wall.More engaging than the Blades they had ten feet into the room. 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
a bit off topic but I have found it hard to beat Unitiserve w Pardo linear PS but Aurender is on my short list as I am TIRED, very TIRED at lack of NAIM support and server has been in for service twice in 4 years..A trip to Canada for a comms boar... 
Vandersteen Quatro CT
any updates ? CT 
Got to open up my system today. Vandy Treo's
Got back from a Hotel California trip so cranked up some Etta James on the Hi-Fi...7's singing.....at 24 on the ARC VC...( about 80 dbc in room w audiotools)The Blat of the horns is great...only 200 ish hours on them..still way inside breakin..CT ... 
Quatro Wood CT VS. 5A's
love it WAFSWife Assisted Fundamental Science..heard Quatro s yesterday with VTL pre and power Bardo table...lovely.but i think Russ our OP is going to have one fine sounding system..100 W of Pass class A power ! nice 
Best DAC for around $10K new or used
No and yes.Relied on my dealer and a few others I trust who believe that a preamp of good quality yields better sound. I am not seeking to add fuel to that debate. i believe the volume control and buffering in my ARC 5 SE would qualify as good.The... 
Best DAC for around $10K new or used
My top 4 wereARCAesthetix PandoraDCSMSB Analog w premium power supply.i set range at up to fifteen K new. Agree there is no such thing as BEST...They all have virtues and leanings but in end I went with Pandora. have since upgraded it to SIG and t... 
ESS and Heil air-motion tranformer - any thoughts?
Recall that I heard Born to Run all the way thru for first time on a pair of AMT 1 B with a B&O table, Apt Holman Pre and Power...to this day trying to get that ROCK sound..ha...the memory..altered..of youth is a great thing..... 
Quatro Wood CT VS. 5A's
Congrats Russ.I bought my Unitiserve from Don. I wanted his critical ear and opinions on server SQ. I trust him.We also have some history as his dad was the long running MacIntosh distributor in Cleveland where my Mac 240 and MX110 Z were purchase... 
Quatro Wood CT VS. 5A's
RussGot to thinking so instead of just thinking i did some listening...Ran 3 songs with and without rear tweeter on. All three w tweeter set at level 4 and contour 4. i did also have a Scotch but that is another story..Prefer tweeter off. sense of... 
Quatro Wood CT VS. 5A's
No. I have a relatively small room and acoustic center of the 7 is about 32" from back wall which while it has quite a bit of irregular surface diffusion is still pretty reflective.I am in the camp that believes the rear firing tweeter could / sho...