

Responses from tomic601

The character of analog and digital
Mastering while important is not the whole process…. 
PSA: Short Unused Speakers and Subs in the Listening Room
Ivor required dealers to store extra speakers in another room, the astute also shorted them…. of course this was…thirty plus years ago…. hardly a “ new discovery “. …..  
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better?
I am a fan of the Audionics CC2…. FAN  
The character of analog and digital
Lamm RIP ;-( another great loss  
The character of analog and digital
and my heroes are guys like Helmut Brinkmann a master of analog…AND Digital w Nyquist II… pushing the sonic frontier forward……    
The character of analog and digital
Mike - good to see you weigh in with a more measured input… for those of us w fairly decent LP, Digital ( duh…CD aint it ) and high speed tape….a simple experiment of dumping a digital file on to 15 ips tape and watch the closed minded swoon….. i ... 
Time-Phase-Alignment- Point Source-Classical Musicians
Vandersteen has been chasing time and phase and much more since 1977…. not everyone’s cup of tea but many professional use them in a variety of ways…. Enjoy your journey and congratulations on your successful DIY build…lovely cabinets - enjoy the ... 
@larsman blessed you are my friend ;-) enjoy in great health. i am blessed to be listening to Oscar Peterson this morning on a very enjoyable integrated streamer / DAC from NAIM…. best to all  
As you are also !  
@lalitk  Bob is a good dude :-) we shall see…. He is true gentleman   
A Nyquist is a formidable DAC and the MK2 is really special but I don’t think it runs ROON core…   
Speaker upgrade
Listen for hours IF you can’t do a home demo… what’s exciting for three songs may prove VERY fatiguing over a longer listening session. Enjoy the journey and the music best jim  
Also a big fan of the best Lampizator you can get in combination w a streamer… just my $.02  
@jjss49 has a lot of wisdom in both posts….. no need to respond to a troll. I found the MSB analog w power base the near equal of my Aesthetix Pandora ….. Nits at this musical level…. Best to all in music  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Alberta Hunter - Amtrak Blues on a recommendation of Brian @noromance  a fantastic LP…..