

Responses from tomic601

Old records.
Perfect Vinyl Forever is a vendor i used before i acquired an ultrasonic machine. i suggest you send them a sampling of discs. prices reasonable as is turn around time. Keep the CJ ;-)   
anybody running dual NAD C298's?
in my experience bridging rarely yields better sound unless you need the power… NAD no exception - i sold a fair bit over the years…. best to you on your journey   
US source of Panzerholtz?
Panzerholtz available from very reputable seller on USAM  
Ayre CX7-E vs Rega Saturn; your thoughts please
Ayre sonics  
Best Vintage tube amp / preamp manufacturer
I have an use a 1961 MC240 that was significantly modified by Mike Samra. IMO some of the best output transformers ever made.. IF you want to hear what your gear is capable of, modern power supply bridge / caps / regulation, pristine nos tubes, gr... 
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
i am coming up on a decade with Vandersteen 7 mk2….  ;-) hours of fatige free musical bliss…  
300b lovers
a fascinating discussion… and remarkable in that blind American exceptionalism has yet to …intervene…much. I spent much of my career working globally…for the largest exporter in the USA.  Aerospace grade….. ;-) Enjoy the music and i wish all well  
Best RCA interconnect up to ~$100?
Is there miracles in audio experience ?
@cleeds @waytoomuchstuff indeed….perhaps the very reason i return here"now and again…. i believe in “ flow “ a transcendent state ( perhaps of 2X on a great system ? )…. but it can appear and collapses at the muse’s whim….. I understand the Dylan... 
Is there miracles in audio experience ?
my audio mentor, a high end manufacturer since 1977 describes the miracle as “ goosebumps “….. he is, besides a genius… a measure AND listen kind of audiophile….  
Is there miracles in audio experience ?
reproduction of music is an illusion…. i pray for the appearance of the miracle every time i cue down the stylus…. i live in both worlds ; measure and listen and TRY to run single variable experiments…. i also believe paired photons are just …th... 
Ken Fritz stereo system auction is live...
Sorry for your loss and wishing you all the best  
What To Do?
could be a $500 an hour drive…..   
Grace Level ll
I did follow that line a bit but the in recent production Soundsmith stylus swayed me from searching out something more ancient…exotic. I am friends w guy who has been in some touch w Chak. i wish him well. best to you  
What To Do?
property record for hut = destination of letter @cleeds advised