

Responses from tomic601

Any other Pipe And Slippers Audiophiles out there?
sub in Davis Family Vineyards - Red of some form, or Talisker and OluKai…..  
Invert ?
also… the Herron gear has an AC inversion switch…. plainly audible… just to add to the myrid possibilities of neurotic listening….  
Invert ?
Beyond the recording polarity ( which unless you make your own references ( hint ), polarity and achievement of absolute polarity is math for the active electrical components ( do the invert or not ) AND importantly but beyond frequently ignored, ... 
Is my amp good enough?
get the absolute best transducers you can afford… then worry about electronics…. assuming you can drive them and your NAD is fairly stout. You should broaden your speaker audition horizon…… read less, listen more….  
Dealers with excellent listening rooms?
Any of the Magnificent 7 Vandersteen dealers :-)  get out more, invite people in, join LA / Orange county audio society, SD Audio guild, etc….. I host the sane and near sane every now and then…. @mikelavigne does same and i greatly admire and r... 
Luxman M10x vs Constellation Audio Taurus Amp
Ed a fantastic guy and music lover at Audio Ultra carries both Connie and Magico and can at least help you with sonics of that pairing.  
buying (NOS) tubes online
Brent because Andy struggles to answer the phone…. IF i could stand a Michigan winter, i would go there to help him fill orders…..  
Speaker placement Quandary
Opus 3 test disc …. depth of image…. should be in every system setup kit…..    
SOTA STAR Sapphire Turntable Care and Feeding
yep….plus i see you live close enough to deliver it to SOTA for any needed significant service / upgrades….  
Looking for a great phono pre-amp in the $1000 or less range
@crustycoot gave you spot on advice to work well with your fantastic tonearm….   
Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC
Now that is promising…..  
Perfect Vinyl Forever
Yep and while i have a Degritter, i have been in past a very happy PVF customer. I said same on Vandy forum. Hopefully the OP has been helped. I used the 3.0 process  
Anyone has a reference system where amplification is SS ?
The Tubes ; White Kids on Reference Dope….  
What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?
measure and listen = ….. theres even a switch for that on ( only ) the Ayre DAC. IMO it’s really the only approach if the goal is more than flavorizing or worse, blind ( deaf ) objectivism…. I mostly agree on same perceptual rules…until we encoun... 
What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?
The sneaky pitfall is taking a waveform that has already happened, reducing it, flipping it out of phase and feeding it back and expecting it to heal a different waveform. The issue is can the ear brain perceive and evaluate this as “ musical “. ...