

Responses from tomic601

Have you changed your mind about a brand? Was it you, or them?
Steve - give the NAIM Atom a listen :-) 
Negotiate good price
The beauty of the new Magneplaner business model is drop shipping to the customer after the dealer, in this case at zero margin writes the sale.in this instance, tubebuffer will also not need to “ test drive “ a pickup or SUV to get them home... 
Negotiate good price
Strong like bull, smart like tractor... 
How can I establish a reference level?
The RS meter is robust, durable and pretty accurate- use it as many here have directed.learn to read both the fast and slow for peak and average. Yes the average drives most hearing damage. The OSHA standard may sound conservative but I know and w... 
Negotiate good price
If it were me, I would march in there slightly unkempt, lay down on the listening couch and tuck in my shirtthinking 50/50 odds they are running..... Russian tubes 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Jackie McLean - Right Now! ( Blue Note reissue 84215 ) Poor Eric is a favorite  
Dahlquist speaker models, question/experience and today
N90 sorry to hear thatno they faded away after Jon , I think they had some decent sounding gear but never replicated or chose to extend the DQ-10 magic... 
Dahlquist speaker models, question/experience and today
N80 great story - that’s starting out wayyyyyyy high :-) is he still an audiophile?i rebuilt / upgraded many pair of DQ-10 over the years 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Tom Petty - Wildflowers ( 3 LP )deep into side two with a smile... 
Negotiate good price
“Ya the world would swing if I were king, can I help it if I Dream time to time... and when your bulldog barks and your canary sings, you’re out there with winners, it’s good to be king”TP ( gone much 2 soon ) 
Negotiate good price
my sister, maybe third or fourth best audio salesperson all of Kazakhstan says a tweeter in the hand is worth four in the bush..Let us cease with the troll 
Granite Bases for Vandersteen speakers
OP speakers have built in subs, 11 bands of EQ below 120 hz  
Granite Bases for Vandersteen speakers
Movement in the vertical plane would be the definition of wave launch smearing, best to study up on things not understood. 
My thoughts on TT isolation methods.
Nuclear attack survivable SOTA :-) enjoy it in good health Brian :-) 
Building Tube Amplifier Kits in Bloomberg Business Week 10/26 issue.
Bottlehead has been doing great and the founders have fingers in many esoteric areas of interest- high speed tape, direct to tape or disc recordings, The Tape project. I have a heavily modified Bottlehead driving the head of my Revox half track. O...