

Responses from tomic601

Paper Cones in HiFi?
Should the cone move in phase to the input signal over entire surface in the band pass ?IF not, what would you call that out of phase output ? 
Attach a note to reply to IRS asking if a Manhatten condo, his and her Mercedes and private school for the kids counts as…. Wait for it…. Income you got good advice, claim hobby, document w receipt s the net loss and await a reply. 
There us a Worldwide Panic on Availability of Vacuum Tubes
+3 for @v 
Quality 1 meter RCA Interconnects under $100?
contact Eric at Gig Harbor Audio in Washington state. They build a nice affordable and excellent sounding cable. 
Could The Music Room biz model be duplicated? A second TMR?
audio classics Vestal NY has a lot of used gear as does Hawthorne in Seattle. but as a happy customer f all three, TMR is unique. Speaker shipped to  them is uneconomic on my last quote..but ya can’t always win….i think TMR is > 15 employees no... 
Can the need for novelty and change be mitigated by rotation?
Necessity is the mother of inventionFamiliarity breeds contempta wandering eye rarely lands in churchlooking is findingis that dollar burning a hole in your pocket ?Absence makes the heart grow fonder 
There us a Worldwide Panic on Availability of Vacuum Tubes
but since i worked globally, including at an old Mig factory, I would pick the Czech Republic…somewhere within bicycle distance from Pilsen ……no surf and salt air in Rosebud heavy, but i get it….bones aint meant to wander….  
Turntable isolation platform Recommendations?
well the Brinkmann is on an HRS, cause “ I know a guy “….agree, in retirement there are more things to muck around in…. Most of the HVAC, especially the AC i leave to my expert. We trade salmon and shrimp for cold air….. 
There us a Worldwide Panic on Availability of Vacuum Tubes
As a venture capitalist, if I had to launch a government subsidized glass, metallurgy and chemical doping facility with skilled workers and access to engineering talent, including the lax safety and environmental controls needed to compete globall... 
There us a Worldwide Panic on Availability of Vacuum Tubes
@wolfie62 thank God you still have Dad. What a gem. You and he might get a kick out of Burning Amp video on utube of Roger Modjeski ( rip ) a true tube genius. He and Nelson pass out on burning amp. Some of the genius is written down… 
Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?
i think you are confusing serving a ripped ( bit perfect ) cd without error correction.. to streaming…not the samethe boxes of CDs in the garage are…….just another physical backup…. 
Turntable isolation platform Recommendations?
@whart I have my SOTA on a Stickley “ prayer table “…. ha. 
Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?
2748 CD’s ripped to the Naim Unitiserve. NAS drives with mirrored raid and a backup to another NAS…. Aesthetix Pandora Signature DAC…i have nice cd players gathering dust… 
List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey.
@syntax with your caliber of system can you say a bit more about the Leopard cable ? 
Can the need for novelty and change be mitigated by rotation?
Bravo ………performance art !