

Responses from tomic601

Whats on your turntable tonight?
LC - Ten New Songs  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
LC - You Want it Darker 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Been on a Leonard binge..Live in DublinCan’t Forget a Souvenir of the Grand Tour 
Learning to Listen: Neurological Evidence
…the pre concert lecture….. 
EMT and/or Koetsu with Shindo pre/phono and Kuzma Ref 313 arm....
great system ;-) great choices in that $ range. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Kottke - Clone ( trapped in Server land…… ) 
Purchase of used Quatro wood ct. Looking for set up advice.
great move. 11 bands of EQ below 120 hz is why your room is not problematic. Your ceiling ht is garbled in your post. great advice on joining the owners  forum  
Vandersteen 3A Signatures with 2 dB difference between L and R Speakers
locate speakers side by side middle of room, test. Who is the CPO dealer ? have you reached out to them ? best to youi had 3a Sig for many happy yearsJim 
Vandersteen 3A Signatures with 2 dB difference between L and R Speakers
swap speaker wire L to R , see IF problem changes. Speaker located same place ?Vandy open, call. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
what a bill, enjoy that show ;-)… wow, color me jealous  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
thanks James… Skin graft immobile for a few more days…i just have to hang tough…Great crisp fall day to stare out the window 
MC cartridges
pick cartridge first 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ha! Greg - Love that album…back when I was mayor of a small city, I called my weekly facilities meeting same as album title… a collection of more sad songs.. about Buildings and food 
Rank the top reference DACs you've heard
Aesthetix Pandora Signature or Eclipse  and Brinkmann Nyquist II should be on your list. I own a Lampizator but not piling on there as it is already affirmed above.I also find DCS sterile.Great to have choices ….world class choices… 
Learning to Listen: Neurological Evidence
making, recording, reproducing with a critical ear and discernment all along the way…..