

Responses from tomer_tsin

For those who "sold" Dynaudio Evidence speakers
Psacanli,My name is TOMER.I realy liked the Temptation's (I didn't get the W/P8 yet), but they didn't overwhelm my room. Sometime I felt they were a little analytical and dry. The bass was very fast and accurate, I liked more bottom-end, dynamic i... 
For those who "sold" Dynaudio Evidence speakers
I had a pair of temptations for 3 years, and liked them very much. I sold them recently because their's height, I also felt they started to show their age... I replace my Temptation's and solid state electronics with Wilson Watt/Puppy 8 and Audio ... 
The best mini monitors you have heard?
I would reccomend you to take a listen to Wilson Audio Duette, Revel Ultima2 Gem2, Krell Lat-2000 and Magico Mini 2. 
MBL 101e's vs. Soundlab U-1's
David,3 speakers which impressed me very much wereRockport Antares, Wilson Max II and TAD model 1.If my room was big enough I would consider a second hand JMLab Grand Utopia Be. 
Anyone heard the Krell Evo 402?
Jjmali,A few days ago, the shipping in Krell's Web was in March! Thanks, Tomer 
Transport for Theta Gen VIII?
I think to order the compli with SDI and conect it to lumagens video processor.http://www.lumagen.com/testindex.php?module=productsTomer 
Transport for Theta Gen VIII?
Thanks for everyone, I will order the Compli.Tomer 
Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport
I would consider a Wadia 270se transport. 
Theta Generation VIII & Wadia 270?
Hi,In theory, the Wadia 270 is in a different league for redbook playback. What about the different clock in the 2 componnets? Tomer 
Theta Generation VIII & Wadia 270?
Sorry not to mantion it...but I have the Generation VIII. First choice is the Theta Compli with it's special digital connection. As I wrote I listen only to Cd's.Second choice is the Wadia 270...or is it my first one?Which ONE of them will play re... 
wadia 302
The digital input cost $600 (I wrote this on my first post...).Wadia are in reorganization. 
wadia 302
...But you cann't get Wadia now.Tomer 
Worlds’ Best High End Loudspeaker Competition/Demo
I also attended the demonstration twice, I was sitting in the sweet spot (first raw in the middle). The Wilson Audio Alexandria X-2 was the best by far with fine timing precision. To my ears, they were the closest speakers to live show. Second was... 
Modern day equivalent of KEF 104.2s?
Dynaudio Contour S 3.4 or Audience 82, Spendor S9e, Tannoy TD- 10, Thiel CS2.4 and Proac Response D25. Tomer 
Hi,I heard the 201's a few times and the 501's for a few hours. The 201's have problems to control very demmanding speakers with a big driver/s. They are a little leaner, bright and make you feel they are quicker, more focused, more detailed, than...