

Responses from tomer_tsin

Parasound Halo JC-1 and JC-2 How good are they?
Quote from Stereophile's review of the Magico V3:...The Parasound Halo JC 2 preamp and Halo JC 1 monoblocks, which had worked so well with the KEF 207/2s, were just too lean with the Magicos... 
thinking of trying the arc ref 110
I had the Reference 110 (and Reference 3) and felt it didn't control very well my Wilson W/P 8, especialy in the bass. You might want to consider the ARC HD220, which is more dynamic and woun't limit you in the future with other speakers. 
Hi Wilson W/P8 owners, best amp ever to drive WP8?
Arwp,Can you try Audio Redearch HD220? 
Anyone listen to Octave 500SE or Jubilee preamps?
Did you compare the 500SE to other tube preamp?Thank you very much for your detailed post.Tomer 
Most expensive
California Audio Tech Yosemite Sequoia CMBX 10.9S4466- $1,275,000!Website: http://www.calaudiotech.com/CATspeakers2004.pdf 
Wilson Watt Puppy 6 or Sophia 2 ?
The Sophia 2 is the Wilson speaker for those people who do not like Wilson speakers. You cold consider it to be 90% of the W/P 8 for about 50% of the price. The W/P 6 go for maximum detail, the Sophia 2 is smoother, more integrate, present music i... 
Small and Excellent Speakers
Check out KEF Reference 201/2 Loudspeakers.http://www.kef.com/products/reference06/US/productRange_201/default.aspx http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/kef_2012.htm 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
See link from "avcat":http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://avcat.jp/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=5&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DAVCAT%26hl%3Den 
Nova Utopia Be or Dynaudio Temptation\Wilson Maxx
The Dynaudio Temptation has great transparency, rich tone colors and a very tall soundstage. The Temptetion's top two octaves are a little bright, the presentation is open and airy. The bass is tight, lean and refined.The Wilson Maxx has great dyn... 
16K to Spend. Help me make the end all Upgrade.
...I recommend you to listen to these speakers:1. Thiel 3.7.2. Revel studio 2.3. Wilson Sophia2.4. Avalon indra. 
Klipsch Palladium P-39F?
...I heard them twice at Minchen 2008 high end show, 3 month ago. The P-39F seem to emphasided certain tones over their neighbors in the bass. Midrange was very good, treble was a little glassiness. Stage was more forward then the other 4 speakers... 
Wilson Sophia2, Watt/Puupy 8, differences?
...I ownd a W/P 8 for a almost a year. The Sophia2's will give you 90% of the W/P 8's and in some areas, are more pleasing and enjoyable. The W/P 8's needs a powerfull amp or one with high current (ARC Reference 110 wasn't sufficient and couldn't ... 
ATC SCM100 Anniversary?
What are the differences between the ATC SCM100 Anniversary and the ATC SCM100SL AT? Is it only aesthetics/veneer?Thanks,Tomer 
ATC SCM100 Anniversary?
Shadorne,I don't have any prejudice about the midrange driver, I will listen to the SCM 50ASL next week.Thanks,Tomer 
ATC SCM100 Anniversary?
Shadorne,I'm afraid a little from the midrange driver.Dont you find it radiate to much sound presure? Thanks,Tomer