
Responses from tom_nice

Preamp or Not to Preamp?
I probably can't answer your question anyway, but before anyone can, isn't some more information needed? WHAT Wadia digital source did you play straight in? WHAT passive preamp did you try? I'm a big passive fan myself, and am trying to sell a CAT... 
need help on choosing right power cord!
I second the Stealth HAC recommendation. Look them up and learn about their technology at I'm using two, and have used several other "name brands", and they certainly beat the others by a clear margin. 
Building my own roomlens
Ghirteen, Please send your email address to and I'll fill in more details on building Room Lenses. If you're at all interested in RPG-style diffusors, let me know that too. 
Sonic Frontiers SCFD-1, Your Experience?
I have one which I won't send back for their upgrade since I've replaced it by an Accuphase DP-75. But if you do get the upgrade, I'd arrange with them NOT to use Kimber AGSS from circuit board to output RCA's, since I know from personal experienc... 
dedicated interconnect ?
Bypassing connectors is a good move, but dirt cheap wire won't sound as good as a good interconnect. I strongly suspect, from looking inside components and having read M.O. Hawksford's "The Essex Echo" in Stereophile a few years ago, that even man... 
Building my own roomlens
I've built five of them for myself and two for a friend, and they work! I use nominal 2" PVC pipe (Home Depot, Yardbirds) which is 2 3/8" outside diameter. I cut three 6" x 12" pieces, one of 1/2" or 3/4" MDF, two of 1'8" masonite, clamp together ... 
Urgent: Dedicated line?
I can't help with details on the dedicated line per se, but would urge that you do a dedicated ground at the same time if at all possible, and solid core wire of at least 10 gauge should be used for that. I had a dedicated line in, and then added ... 
best inerconnect $300 to $400
Go to Audiogon Chat, More Chat, 12 Hours, then 24 Hours, or wherever you can find it, and read Nemo's contribution to the Gold Interconnects topic. He's offering a great deal on a new interconnect that I've heard for some weeks and love. You can r... 
Any experience with STEALTH Cable?
I'm using Stealth Premiers in one of two systems, with Dunlavy SC-II speakers, and find them very dynamic and nicely balanced. Stealth Ultimate Ribbons were better with Quad ESL 63's in another system. The Premiers replaced Audio Magic Spellcaster... 
Advice on preamp choice
There re numerous CAT SL 1's on sale right now, from Mark I at $1200 through Mark II at $1900 (I believe) on to Mark III at as low as $2500. All may be too high for you; if so, I'd look for an Anthem Pre-1 or Pre-1L, and there are Audible Illusion... 
Using a demagnitizer on compact Discs?
I've used a bulk tape demagnetizer on CD's and found that it helped noticeably, but what I've found even better, and much better at that, is the little red Zerostat gun, originally designed to remove a static charge from LP's, currently sold by Au... 
Tube vs Solid State - Comparable Output?
You might like to look at the August Stereophile, which has an article on this. 
Cable advice
PJB is easy to beat even for the price: you can get pure silver about the same. With the Stealth 30-day money-back guarantee, you'd be doing yourself a favor, IMHO, to give these a try, as far up the models li... 
Pre-amp with great phonostage (tube)
I'd love to sell my CAT SL-1 Sig Mk III, and its phono stage is superb, but for lower cost I'd go for a used Anthem Pre-1. It was better than an ARC SP-15 I had at the same time, and I've heard from people who should know that it's better than Aud... 
Best Speaker Wire & Tube Pre for Aleph 3
I have an Aleph 3, and have used it with both Stealth Premier and Stealth Ultimate Ribbon speaker cables. I like the ribbons best, with my Quad ESL 63's, but the Premier is excellent and might do better with other speakers. I had MIT's top cables ...