Responses from tom8999
MQA? David_ten - thank you for the references on MQA and it’s origin and inner workings. Vinylfan 62 and shandorne - OMG - digital music is here going forward. It has been a dramatic improvement over vinyl. Tidal HiFi with MQA has caused me to retire m... | |
How I tamed digital glare. Nonoise - I just went back and listened to two older Diana Krall albums via Tidal HiFi that are MQA - the clarity and detail are amazing. The stand up bass is tight and full. I cannot thank you guys on the Agon boards enough. My Maggie’s have neve... | |
How I tamed digital glare. Nonoise - thank you for the tip on High Fidelity MC 0.5 Power Conditioner! Have been running the ‘magnet’ in both of my systems for a week now - glare is gone at higher volumes and midrange detail is improved to the point of being striking.Thanks ... | |
Bits bits bits from Upscale Audio Andy2Thanks for the Upscale Audio article - I am gaining a better understanding of why my LUMIN D 1 keeps blowing me away with it’s sound quality. I just upgraded my CD player and did some power supply and IC upgrades. It’s amazing the sound impro... | |
My Thoughts re: Dealers Posting on Audiogon br3098, nonoise and Elizabeth -i have been using Agon - it’s forums and marketplace to improve my sound systems at home for over 15 years. I have educated myself on improving my audio listening enjoyment beyond my wildest dreams. I am happy that b... | |
New DAC or New Streamer or New Streamer/DAC Willgolf - I just want to second your recommendation of LUMIN. I have been running my LUMIN D1 for over 4 years. Once Tidal got MQA files and I got my free upgrade to unfold them, I cannot believe the sound quality thru my Maggie’s. The app is sim... | |
How I tamed digital glare. Nonoise - thanks for the tip on using High Fidelity’s MC 0.5 Power Conditioner to get rid of harsh Highs on vocals, piano strikes and horns at higher volumes. I will let you know how they work in my system. I just got done with multiple improvemen... | |
Help with up to $1500 streamer I have been using a LUMIN D 1 for over 4 years. My source is Tidal Hi Fi and decoded MQA files. Cost is $2,000. They now sell the D2. Interface is via their LUMIN app on my I Pad mini. Sound quality is amazing and ease of use is the best you can f... | |
Why a separate DAC? I agree with adg101 - digital is now as good as the best analog. If you want to spend $1,500 for an upgrade - please boost it to $2,000 and buy a LUMIN D2. I have been streaming a LUMIN D1 for over 4 years. I use Tidal HiFi as my source - once MQA... | |
Any other lone audiophiles here? I am lucky to have a very close friend who is an ‘audio nut’ just like me. And our wives get along! My most fun thing to do is let my other friends hear what my system is capable of to try and get them interested in home audio for themselves. Some... | |
Speaker recommendation thread (Organised by tiers of price) I love my Maggie 1.7i for $2100. Add the Maggie bass panel - DWM- for $800 more and they are amazing. Please note you need plenty of power to drive these speakers. | |
Tidal WiFi not as good as cd Willgolf nailed it - you need a dedicated streamer (I use a LUMIN D1) and your Tidal HiFi with MQA encoded files will beat any CD. You have to hardwire from your router to the LUMIN and your quality issues are gone. I have been streaming for over ... | |
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank Elizabeth nailed it. I use Anticables in my system. Very happy with the sound quality of their the speaker wire and ICs. My source is a LUMIN D1 using Tidal HiFi decoding MQA files. Power is from my Krell integrated amp (class A) thru Magnapans (1... | |
Streaming vs. CD Tidal HiFi with MQA is better than any CD on my system. I stream via a LUMIN D1 for the last 4 years. CDs and albums cannot compete.happy listening! | |
Worth of current system Sorry for the typo - the Krell KAV 400i is 18 years old and going strong.Tom 8999 |