Responses from tom6897
Best way to clean/scratch polish a CD/DVD/SACD? A little windex and a buffing wheel. Deeper scratches benefit from a small dab of regular Crest or similar toothpaste used like rubbing compound. It is very gentle. Keep the CD moving at all times so that you do not create heat in any one spot. Go... | |
Need Mac Mini Server set up advice +1 Try as many as you can. | |
Where does the DAC go? | |
Basics for connecting PC to stereo Must be at least 10-20 threads already on this site alone.One other favorite is: | |
Speaker stand question Four small dots of Blu-Tac or similar. | |
How to choose a good fiber optic cable?? Glad to be of help. Enjoy! | |
When is optical or coax cable or usb best? You never really know until you listen. Every DAC is different and the designer may have a preference for the type of user he has in mind. Sometimes it is a price point issue. My listening bias tends to rank this way: 1) SPDIF/Coax 75 Ohm 2) Tosli... | |
WAV vs. FLAC vs. AIFF CHAD: If one can hear the difference doesn't that mean their gear is too good? Typically one can not hear differences on inferior gear because they are not transparent and resolving enough to hear the differences. (higher noise floor, cheaper powe... | |
Best Speaker under $3K - New or Used I like Parasound products as well and I have been happy with Dynaudio Contour S1.4, and C 1 (35Hz-22kHz). I am also a fan of Volent CL-2 and VL-2 (30Hz-57kHz). I am hoping to get to listen to the LSA-1 Statements (30Hz-34kHz). These are all highly... | |
Free speaker tweak that's a must do I have been doing this myself for a few years. Really tightens up the imaging and bass response. You may also look at replacing the screws with soft brass replacements. Driver magnets and steel screws are not a good match for spurious wave interac... | |
How to choose a good fiber optic cable?? Coressence: The glass toslink is flexible but dont get crazy with any sharp bends. A gentle "C" or "S" shape will suffice. Do not step on them either. Only buy as much as you need measure carefully. Great for HDTV audio out cable. | |
Sometimes my system sounds great, sometimes awful When it sounds bad and two more fingers of Bourbon on the rocks:-) | |
external drive for mac mini $59.00 on the "bay" | |
How to choose a good fiber optic cable?? Glad you asked: I have personally used this cable and it came highly recommended from a prominent audio reviewer as well. It replaced a $500.00 "whoop-de-do" type of cable.It is polished glass not plastic! Do not be dissuaded by the price. This ca... | |
Know anything about the BSG Technologies QOL? Look foward to the uncertainty of a new audio experience and the chance to discover something new and meet new people. |