

Responses from tom6897

Best optical cable from Apple TV to DAC
I must offer you another Best value cable: http://www.uniqueproductsonline.com/6ftgltodiauc.html This cable has bettered comparable glass optical cables up to $500.00. Search the forum. 
component break in
"Break-In" could just be the length of time it takes your ears to become accustomed to the sound of new equipment added to your system. Once an item reaches its thermal stabilized operating temperature there should be little change as long as new... 
Shunyata Diamondback PC with Wattgate connectors
I would be surprised if you noticed any difference at all in a blind test. Visually they will look different and they may be harder to insert into the outlet. Sound-wise I would be very skeptical. Just my two cents. 
Popular Female Singers in the past 2 decades
Annie LennoxShawn ColvinLinda RonstadtJennifer WarnesSara KSusan TedeschiAmy WinehouseAdeleMelody GardotRenee OlsteadJacinthaDuffyCaro EmeraldCassandra WilsonKate BushSarah JaroszIngrid MichaelsonDiane BirchAll worth taking a good listen to. 
Cable Settling???
Just to keep the discussion going. I would like to hear opinions are how all of the gear that happens to need a "break-in" knows when to stop at just the right time when the music sounds best. Are these components trained in what each of us is loo... 
Best platter mat for Acrilic platter ?
None works best on the Clearaudio Performance SE with with acrylic platter for me. I use the Clearaudio Twister record clamp. 
My first tube preamp Manley jumbo shrimp
I think your English was great. Your post made more sense than many I have read in the last week. Keep up the good work. Welcome to the USA.Sorry cannot help with the Manley J.S. 
Primare CD21 player
I would like to hear your comments and impressions once you have a chance to let it run in a week or so. I recently considered the CD31 as well. From the reviews I think you are going to be very impressed. A local dealer has a CD31 he has been try... 
Live Music To Get You Into The Holiday Spirit.
Ron, That was very nice of you to share with us. You have much to be proud of. Looks like you have quite a talented family. Merry Christmas! 
Preference - Sonus Faber, Dynaudio or Focal
IMO your choice is between the SF and Dynaudio. Both are excellent choices. I have owned the Dyns and they would be my first choice. I like their dynamics and overall sound and speed compared to the SF Cremona M which I find a touch warm and less ... 
Help with brand/item
This item fits your description Composite and Sound deadening substrate.http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?accsrack&1328228295&/Adona-AV45-Amp-Stand- 
cd player or computer with dac
There is a DAC manufacturer that is very well known that states that their DAC will acheive the following: "By connecting a PC or a Mac to the USB2.0 port you will be able to play audio files in high resolution beyond the limits imposed by the pre... 
power cable
I am really enjoying the Verastarr Grand Illusion power cord. One from the wall and one to the source from a Shunyata Hydra 6. 
Help with brand/item
How long ago? Have you searched current listings? 
CD Player Flash Test
Do you think you can provide a "little more" background and context for your query???? We are not omnipotent.