
Responses from tom32

Amplifier Cooling Suggestions?
"I never heard of anyone using a fan on an int amp."If it has fins on it, then it is creating heat, and he wants to keep it cool. Not a bad idea, but I worry about dust. Dust in the cabinet can cause a lot of problems, including more overheating o... 
Audiophile Fakery
As long as the manufacturer is honest that the tube is just for visual aesthetics and is not really functional, I don't see a problem with putting some illuminated tubes on display. Some people want their equipment to look cool. The advertising sh... 
Wire Tangle?????
A friend of mine was having trouble with noise on his system, and asked me to come over and look at it. He had "tidied up" the back of his center by neatly tye-wrapping and using cable channel materials. It looked very nice, but that is what was c... 
Balance control. Discuss.
" The balance control should be useable from the listening position."I've never had that luxury. Normally you have to jump up, run across the room, tweak, and then repeat until you say "Ahhhh!". =-} Then you have that chair set up, and don't have ... 
Audiophile Fakery
"How about the very simple, and I guess generally accepted, frequency contouring of speakers? "The geometry of the speaker box is very important to the sound quality and projection. I'm no expert in this area, but I have experimented with speakers... 
Wire Tangle?????
Years ago I got tired of having to battle the whole mess behind my entertainment system shelves, so I took the whole thing apart and built slide out trays for the equipment to rest on. Also I put in lights in the back with a switch at the front of... 
Audiophile Fakery
At one company I worked at the marketing department did a study of consumer preferences to things like color, style, etc. One of the things they tested for was weight. They found by putting an iron slug at the bottom of the box, people judged it t... 
Amplifier Cooling Suggestions?
One thing to be concerned about with drawing air through the case is that you will also be drawing dust into the case. 
In defense of ABX testing
This bleeding thing is a bit off topic, but since it keeps coming up, I thought I'd clarify that issue. (because I have no good opinion on the ABX thing)During ancient and medieval times doctors believed in "the humor theory". It's pretty complica... 
What happens when you plug two outputs together?
For people who don't have test equipment or know how to use it, your next best troubleshooting method is to do swapping of parts to find the guilty device. Have a known good signal line level source, a known good phono level source, a known good s... 
What happens when you plug two outputs together?
What happens when you plug two outputs together? BANG!=-}No, seriously, it depends on the device. Some outputs have absolutely no output protection, some have protection for limited time (like 5 second overload, 30 seconds, etc.), and some have "i... 
Audio Research D70 mark1 + schematic
I agree with Johnson. If you only have 1 volt drop across that regulator, it could be shorted.Why the regulator is shorted might be the bigger problem. They normally go short from too much current draw in the load, which means you might fix the re... 
Preamp Noise with High-Efficiency Speakers
Hum is 60 or 120 Hz noise from the power, and there are two way to pick it up, either conducted or radiated.Radiated powerline noise is when you have a high current device and it throws out a magnetic field. Any high impedance conductors (your lin... 
Fading sound and/orvoice, then popping
It sounds like you have a filter cap in the power supply that is dying. When the electrolytic caps started to die, they are leaking current. The leak causes internal heating in the cap, which causes more damage to the cap, so once the problem star... 
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...
It would be a good idea to check the ohmage from B+ to ground before you apply power. With no power on, and the tubes removed, I would guess the proper ohmage would be a couple thousand Ohms. Also make sure the caps are discharged before the test....