
Responses from tobias

regular interconnect for digital signal transfer
Stanwal, the Apogee Wyde Eye is a budget-class hot pick, it's nowhere in the same league as some of the more expensive cables. I don't believe I've heard the Transparent Reference (and I don't believe I'd ever pay that much for a digital interconn... 
Great and well-recorded jazz on CD
Second the Poll Winners recommendation, in fact the entire catalogue of the label by that name is worth exploring. Lots of sure bets, my fave at the moment being Red Garland's "Groovy". 
What power cable for DAC?
Duaneadam, there are units that don't gain or lose much at all from upgraded paower cords. My old Cambridge IsoMagic was a case in point. Nice if it happens to you.Other units do show a clear improvement, in soundstage and instrument separation us... 
Recommend using some fastener to speaker stand
Blutack or another compound may even have a positive effect on sound by damping vibration at the interface with the support.I don't have a kids/cats problem any more so when a seller included some Herbie's Grungebuster pads with a pair of speakers... 
Battery powered, high resolution capable DAC?
The Apogee Mini-DAC. Now discontinued but available used and can still be serviced by Apogee Digital. I run mine with a 12V SLA battery.The Moon 100D could probably run off battery power too, but you'd need 18 volts. 
Is Upgrading Degrading?
Ebm, it's this: are you allowed to make your system do things to the music that no real-life instrument would do? Beef up the low end with a sub for example (calling Dr. Velodyne!), or add euphonious coloration (the Linnie phrase for tubes) in the... 
Is Upgrading Degrading?
Marburg, editing a recording to remove a mistake doesn't seem to me to be the same thing, or done for the same purpose, as an enhancement "through technology to the the point where it is no longer a close equivalent to a real instrument".For examp... 
ayre vs simaudio moon
Oh, interesting question. I've heard both but haven't actually trialed back-to-back. I wish you the chance to do that, you would have fun. They are both excellent. 
Is Upgrading Degrading?
Well any change I've made to my system, and kept, was because I thought the change gave me more music. Often that has meant more detail, because it seems more basic equipment loses information or hides it. 
What power cable for DAC?
The Acoustic Zen El Nino is a good cord for digital sources at a reasonable price. 
Looking for EZ way to do audio fr PC and IPOD
I've been using my iPod Touch and a Pure i-20 dock with a digital output. My digital cable is a 1.5m Atlas Opus but you don't have to spend that much. (For example, you could use the cheaper Atlas Compass or one of Joe Mazzaglia's excellent Auricl... 
pure ipod dock
Mine came today. Coax digital output works very well. There's even a remote. Basic RCA cables are supplied.Note for Canucks: delivery is via UPS. "Tax" amount applied at purchase, plus more at the door, brings total cost to slightly under $140. 
An analog question for those who record
I honestly think that if you have more than a few recordings to make and you need to get them done with the least possible fuss and the most consistent fidelity, analog-to-digital recording at 24/88.2 or higher is the way to go. If it were me I wo... 
Help with used records.
I second nose oil. _Oil_. This is the socially approved name for it, used by photographers back when they were developing prints from film negatives. A swipe of it could fix up a tiny scratch on a negative, well enough so it could be used (in an e... 
pure ipod dock
OK, I found an answer to my question, it can be ordered online from Amazon UK. Shipping is not cheap.