
Responses from tlg

Do tubes need break in / burn in?
This has been discussed here before. Type in nos tubes in the "search archives" section of this forum and you will see a posted question from 2008 about this same subject. 
ARC Ref 3 and ARC Ref 110 tubes
Yeah, that's right I do. I also drive a car, but do I need to know how everything under the hood works? NO! I have a stereo system that I enjoy listening to. I don't feel I need to know every nuance of how it works. This is a forum to help each ga... 
ARC Ref 3 and ARC Ref 110 tubes
Can someone tell me after how many hours on my amp that I need to be concerned about the bias? What is it all about anyways? Thanks 
ARC Ref 3 and ARC Ref 110 tubes
Mofimadness can you explain the idea a little more. Sorry, but I don't get it yet? 
Blue Ray Concert discs
Blue Ray will die just like SACD did. The average Joe is too cheap to pay the extra bucks for this format. I have had a Blue Ray player for about 8 months now and the amount of concert blue rays being released is at a trickles pace at best. You wo... 
Best Interconnects for ARC gear
I second the Audioquest cables. I use the Sky and Cheetah's in my ARC system with great results. 
signal cable magicpower and digital reference....
I have had nothing but great results with Signal Power cables. I use them on all of my components. I feel they bring out a clearer and cleaner sonic quality compared to the stock cords that I was using. Maybe it depends on what brand of component ... 
Audio Research Ref 110 - Ref 3 Cable Interconect
I have Vandersteen Quatros that are biwired with Audioquest Mont Blanc cables. 
Audio Research Ref 110 - Ref 3 Cable Interconect
I use Audioquest balanced Skys from the ARC CD 7 to the ARC REF 3 and balanced Cheetahs from the ARC REF 3 to the ARC REF 110. 
Pioneer Elite vs. Pioneer "Standard" Kuro Plasmas
I was wondering if anyone knows if the Pioneer 111FD is in fact that much better than the 110FD? I read the 111FD can calibrate itself based on daytime and night time viewing. It is discussed in the current Sound and Vision magazine. 
Cassette Tapes to CDS
I ended up downloading some free software off the internet. I have my tape deck feeding into an equalizer to modify the sound for best sound. I went to my local Radio Shack and got an analog cable that connects to the audio out of the equalizer to... 
Pioneer Elite vs. Pioneer "Standard" Kuro Plasmas
Can anyone tell me what extra you get out of ISF calibration? All I know about it is a guy comes over and noodles around with the innerds of the plasma. Is there a real noticable difference after they are done? I have the 110FD and I have done wha... 
Are lossless Codec's worth upgrading my processor
Is it true to say that to enjoy these new formats I would need to buy a large processor such as an Integra DTC 9.8 or Pioneer processor? I don't need a component with so many bells and whistles. Is there some small cheaper component that only stri... 
ARC Ref 3 Power Cord
I know that the female end of the ARC stock cord is 20 amp.Is the Male end 20 amp or 15 amp? The new cord I want to get is going to go into a Furman power conditioner which in turn goes into my 15 amp wall outlet. I am assuming I want a new cord w... 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
Can someone tell me what the difference is between the 5881 and the 6550 tube besides the size of them? How come ARC didn't put the 6550 in the the CD 7 upgrade? Doesn't the 6550 give superior bass definition? Thanks