
Responses from tlcocks

Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@scottwheel , what digital system do you use?  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Perhaps back to what I originally said?  Get the room right and then tonally EQ to your heart’s desire with a Skyline M3D or other great studio analog tool. This particular approach I’ve been in love with for a decade. There must be SOMETHING righ... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Regarding DSP for speaker and room correction:   The following is from Ed to me at Audible Images in Melbourne FL. I have heard the best sounding system of any showroom in FL at Ed’s. I trust his judgment and his ear absolutely implicitly. The fo... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
The right amount of air band in such gear opens up the ENTIRE mix, top to bottom, to better SQ. Timbre improvements too as the missing supra auricular harmonics and highest octave textures that are missing are restored. Again, sorry the million p... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
It’s simply intoxicating. I can listen to my favorite music for hours and never get bored. It’s a beautiful thing.   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Charter Oak that I have is a very powerful equalizer. In other words you can boost a treble band up to +19 db with NO audible distortion and the resulting SQ is still hi fi, no significant loss of staging, dynamics or image resolution. While in th... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“I use Electrostatic speakers because their distortion levels are a level of magnitude lower than dynamic speakers if run correctly (no low bass). There are no analog crossovers in my system. RIAA correction is done digitally. I can record vinyl t... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“The vast majority of albums are now recorded digitally and most music is now listened to via digital program sources. It makes no sense to keep going back and forth between digital and analog. In digital you can easily do all the processing witho... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“For $300 you can get yourself a calibrated microphone, computer program and measure your system to see what it is doing. I promise you, you will be very surprised. Flat is a reference point. Units like the DEQX will go there automatically as a st... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I have indeed had my hearing checked. I hear properly up to 15-16 K. Thanks for the suggestion. No issues there. I correct for ROLLED OFF RECORDS. Your knowledge and insights have stimulated me to look in more depth at room corrective digital appl... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“ Yes I am still loving the MQ112. It is the best accessory that I could have bought to do exactly as it is supposed to do. And I love the looks and quality of it also to blend into my existing ARC components. ” AWESOME!  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Yes. Agree with that totally. My system always makes dull records sound better and more fun and engaging. But you’re right. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig😊. Happy Thanksgiving all!  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@tattooedtrackman , still loving the MQ112?  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“EQ is one thing. Proper room correction is another. I use both in my main system. “ totally agreed  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“I also would be willing to bet most studios are using digital equipment at this point. The analog stuff is being or has been phased out except in specialty studios dedicated to analog of which there are a few, not including MoFi😏”   @mijostyn ,...