
Responses from tlcocks

Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Rush is my favorite band of all time. Many of their albums varied considerably in production quality. Most of them benefit massively from high end EQ. The better the EQ, the better the enjoyment!  It’s interesting. I’ve found that some of their hi... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Thanks @au_lait !  Awesome. Agree totally with that 20khz and not higher. Yes, the 50khz boost sounds good on my CO, but it’s too thin down lower in the audible frequencies. While I have no doubt that switch is the bomb in a mastering studio, I fi... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I’ve never heard one. But I would venture to say yes, from what I do know. It’s legendary. Many in recording and hi fi circles consider it a landmark piece and a benchmark to which units over the years have been compared. Its sonics are from Mark ... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@au_lait , care to tell our digital EQ lovers here a little more about the sonics of the CP?  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Oh wow. The legendary Cello Palette. NICE  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@tattooedtrackman , I am stoked that you love your MQ112. Don’t be afraid to laud its praises repeatedly here. Because there’s a strong tide we’re swimming against of all digital EQ lovers who have never or not recently tried a high end analog pie... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Thanks @tattooedtrackman , alas I am not a professional. Just an avid listener and passionate tweaking audiophile. I may know a lot about how they sound in my home, but @mirolab is the professional with his own studio. He’s heard more than me. Bot... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Hate to disagree. I’ve commented extensively on this pages ago. My Charter Oak PEQ1 I’ve directly compared against Roon DSP using some digital shelf or bells in bass and treble regions. It DIDNT COME CLOSE to the SQ of the 2700 dollar analog piece... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I know many have tried this. I myself have not. Generally hear mixed to favorable through the grapevine. Not having heard the MQ112 either, I’d bet good money the MQ112 sounds alot more musical and natural than the RME EQ suite  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“As for your assessment of Skyline vs. PEQ1... I very much agree about the superior flexibility of the PEQ1's design... I just wish my unit had sounded better” based on your earlier description of your PEQ-1 experience, I am fairly sure you got a... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“I have a very fragile ego. I'm going to go cry in a glass of Tequila.” 😂 hilarious, Mike  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Thanks @wolf_garcia   I appreciate the words. I may have touch of fragile ego. It’s possible. But I am passionate about listening and love to share my thoughts, for what they’re worth, about EQ in high end home audio. And yes, I know I talk too mu... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“…the excellently designed Max...a great item that's I've used for far more than 20 minutes (a few months actually)” To this other snide comment from @wolf_garcia , I’ve got ONE DECADE of familiarity with the CO PEQ-1, and nothing I’ve heard soun... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I’ve plugged back in the CO and listening to Moving Pictures again. Now I’m totally engaged and toes a tappin’ !  CO beats Skyline at more significant V shape sound signature for sure. I cannot live without my CO. I love this unit. It’s such a sha... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I don’t hear any audible hiss at all when listening to music at normal AND loud levels on ANY of the gear we’ve discussed. Good chain through and through and is a non issue. Cannot however speak to Lokius or other non Loki Max Schiit products. Of ...