Responses from tjnindc
Phono Stage Hum On the Jolida: There is a high output and a low output. Both seem to be line level. I have been running the high output to my integrated. Maybe I will run the low output to the integrated, and then set the gain for the MM cartridges. That might be... | |
Phono Stage Hum The gain was high for MM cartridges. I talked to the Jolida dealer, and he said that they typically recommend no gain for MM cartridges. I'm not sure what you mean by the riaa equalization in the path. The hum is roughly equal in both channels and... | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion Case Question: One more thing, has anyone found a cartridge case that accommodates the Sumiko headshell? | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion HAHAHA. I even got a case when I ordered the 160 so that I could keep it and my Goldring stored safely. sigh. Those two years olds are just a bit quicker than us 40 year olds on occasion. I was just looking at those two cartridges. My gut says to ... | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion Does anyone know if you can retip a dl 160? My twin two years olds got to it one day before I pulled the cartridge off... | |
Technics 1200 Hinges I had a feeling that the 'best' solution would be some kind of belt. It seems a bit strange to me that you can't lock the technics hinges straight. I ordered the no-hinges from KAB, but they are essentially feet which would sill allow them to push... | |
What's a good beginner turntable at $2500+- range? I too ended up with a modded Technics 1200. I have also owned two Regas (a 2 and a 3). I have to say that I think that it is simply one of the best pieces of equipment I have ever owned. Musical, reliable, and just plain fun. The soundstage is off... | |
USB DAC's -- the best I have really enjoyed Headroom Desktop Amp. I know that there are other 'pure' DACs out there that get better press and reviews, but I have been utterly impressed. | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion Johnnyb53: Did your Denon 160 come with an overhang tool (mine did)? If so, did it work as well? Thanks for the downloadable protractor--it's printing now. | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion Resource for mounting Denon 160 on a Sumiko headshell? I have heard a couple of suggestions for the best place to find a resource for how to most accurately mount the Denon to the Sumiko. BUT, I can't seem to find them. Any advice? Use the Technic... | |
How hot is too hot? thank you all. that is what i guessed, but it was hard to find the info. that's why we all love the 'gon... | |
Headroom ultra microdac, Benchmark Dac1 or other? As a follow up: I have had the Headroom in my system for over a week now and am nothing short of blown away. I have my Rotel running through it as a Transport, and it has literally opened up my CD collection to new heights. I got the Squeezebox se... | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion Has anyone found good cartridge cases for their spare headshells and cartridges? If so, where did you get them. I'm about to pick up the Sumiko headshell and Denon 160. I'd like somewhere safe to store my other combo. | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion Has anyone had humming issues on the phono stage with their Technics with the volume cranked up? I did not notice it when my Rega was hooked up. I'm about to start playing with the ground and whatnot. Otherwise, the KAB modded 1200 is everything i... | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion First, my KAB mod 1200 arrived today. I can't wait to get home and take it for a spin. At Kevin's suggestion, I went with the Goldring 1022 GX. Of course, I'm already curious about other options. Johnnyb53: Did you need to do much about the weight... |