
Responses from tireguy

AudioMeca vs. AudioAero vs. Electrocompaniet
Bryan-I have heard most all of the players on your list and I would have to agree with you!! You have been a fountain of information through out this thread and many others(not to mention private emails!), a truly class act audiophile! 
Super Efficent Home Theater Speakers
I agree with Flemke, Klipsch are the way to go if your looking for efficient speaker, and Klipsch work GREAT on a few of the HT's I have heard.~Another Tim 
Digital Dilemma
I agree with Peterb this seems like a simple one to me, though I see two possible options.1- use your RCA coax 75ohm digital output.2- sell the thing and get a DAC with multiple digital inputs, and waste a whole lotta money on trying every possibl... 
The"new" look Capitole
I've heard from a reliable source that the new capitole was updated with the assistance of top Bose engineer's, I am sure the results are going to be GREAT! ;)TimOK guys don't start flaming, it was a joke 
BEST Speakers for the BANG around 2K
magnepan 1.6R and a sub 
has anyone auditioned the CAT JL2 stereo amp?
I have heard a JL2 powering Merlin-VSM-M speakers, I was for lack of a better word-awe struck by their performance. I only listened to them for one afternoon, but they are on my wish list of amps, fwiw there are only 3 other amps on the list with ... 
Bat VK500 SS Amp and Cary 306 direct?
Also worth looking into are the Accuphase units(DP-75v and Dp-85), Resolution Audio CD-55 and Audio Aero Capitole. This has been covered many times before and me mixing two of the brands I just did will most likely lead to controversy, though I am... 
Speaker Cable Too Short What to do?
Pops-After several posts I am really starting to like your opinion :) Tim 
Newbe needs advice, RCA/XLR, Toslink/S-Video
the XLR vs. RCA is VERY system dependent, many threads on that subject.Most all videophiles agree that Component produces the best picture followed by S-video(S-video is nearly as good on short runs) and composite taking up the rear(to be expected... 
Cable Fetish: Exotic, Warm and Romantic
In a few months ;) thanks for checking upfwiw while I type this I am enjoying a nice glass of Evan Williams Bourbon(w/ a little mineral water) poured from my Lenox crystal decanter into reidel glassware. So yea I think I hold my own for my age.BTW... 
Cable Fetish: Exotic, Warm and Romantic
Cwlondon- Do you see a patern here? I do. Everyone likes what they have! SURPRISE! The best advice I can give is listen to everything you can(in home is the best), no two people can agree on what cables to use.Tim 
Please suggest Preamp
CFB-Thanks for clearing up my never ending confusion, I musn't be as famaliar with the 1012 as I thought I was. Tim 
Speaker Cable Too Short What to do?
Hey your at audiogon, a great place to buy and sell gear, the solution seems simple to me.Tim 
Are silver cables on the way out?
Gary-I used to be an advocate of silver until one day while listening I realized what I was hearing wasn't music, it was sound being reproduced. Silver gave my system a very forward sound, too lean, and very un-musical it was fatigueing to listen ... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Bob-Great advice I'll have to remember that! You guys are gonna save me when I start getting into trouble, all of this valuable information.~Tim