
Responses from tireguy

Techno Anyone?
New moby how many have heard it and what do you think? I think it is a great follow to Play. 
superbit? What is it?
PETE!!! welcome back buddy!! You've got mail.~Tim 
Best CD player directly to Amp?
Well no one has heard the new one, maybe by the end of the week. I ordered a new one and am hoping it is at least as good as the old one; either way I don't think you can go wrong. Test drive one and you will understand what everyone else is saying. 
What is the most expensive?
I'll sell anything in my system for a million, now all I have to do is find a buyer!! Any takers???? the house is included ;) Not to mention a half a dozen call girls on the clock for the first year. Its a deal!! if anyone is interested let me kno... 
Best CD player directly to Amp?
All hail the Audio Aero Capitole! ~Tim 
Albany NY "Capital District"
Yes everyone it was a blast!! We have got to get into doing this more often. And Bill the Armagnac was outstanding! Cheers~Tim 
Bose makes more than speakers...
Jc- Like sean said we are screwballs here, and nothing goes with out a laugh or an attempt at a laugh. Anything that involves bose is going to spawn countless jokes, just get used to it and enjoy, its ment to be fun :) 
Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS
Bradz-He probably turned you down because you don't have that clk55 yet ;) But seriously I don't understand why a seller would turn you down, some people are weird(in particular in this hobby).~Tim 
Personal amp evolution
Its a nice stroll through memory lane with this stuff; well unless of course the amps sucked then it would be unpleasant:) Nice to see such diversity amongst us, keep 'em coming!! 
Bose makes more than speakers...
I collect belly button lint... no one cares about that either ;) 
Outlet shoot out
Well Sean I am glad I am not the only one, whom seems skeptical and confused about this issue. Though it is something worth trying, no time better then the present-though I want to gather a few others opinions before I make any life altering choic... 
C2it. --------- No Thanks
Ahhhh the old bend over and grab your ankles routine, thanks for the heads up I will be sure to avoid them(C2it) like the plague. 
Zu Cables, Z cables and Jena Labs-your thoughts
I use Jena cables and am no longer looking for any upgrades, the only thing I would even possibly consider would be David Elrod PC's, or Transparent Opus speaker cables. If something sounds wrong with these cables its something else in your system... 
Is there an end.......ever?
Thanks for all of the coments so far. I would have to concur that Norah Jones is a GREAT new artist, I saw her CD and it was $6.99 and I thought "gee she looks hot" and bought it, little did I know she was incredibly talented as well. 
What after the old CD player? CDP, SACD or DVD-a?
It appears that there is no winner at this point. I like the availability of Redbook recordings(most anything you want), how ever more then a few good friends have told me that the latest DSD SACD multichannel realises are absolutly amazing. So it...