
Responses from tireguy

what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??
Sounds like you have described Avalon Acoustics with out hearing them. They are known to disappear, even some stereophile reviewers admit this in there reviews which I seldom here them say. But more important then speakers is room placement which ... 
What Would you Trade your System FOR?
Don't get me wrong I am not saying the M5 is a bad car but I would rather have others for that price range. Just my crazy opinion, I must admit I am not a huge fan of Chris Bangles designs so that could be where I am coming from, also I must admit... 
What Would you Trade your System FOR?
Interesting coments Sc53, the easiest way to explain it is relating it to audio. Most people would love to have BOSE, but we all prefer good sound, sort of like cars. Once you taste the finner things in life you do what it takes to get it for your... 
What Would you Trade your System FOR?
I drove an M5 and was not into it for the $$$, thought the S8 would walk all over it. Maybe not as fast but more refined. The M5 is a little raw to drive, kinda like a CLK 55 AMG they are great and fast as the dickens but untamed and hard to drive... 
Very good Balanced XLR cable, suggestions?
Thanks everyone! Starting to narrow down the field a little bit and adding some new choices. 
What Would you Trade your System FOR?
Hay cornfed you sound like you have an arrangment like this going already, is that how you got those Eidolon's??LOL! My only question is who gets the dog? I mean you can't cut him in half. 
Best DVD/CD Player to buy
Sony DVPs-9000ES gets my vote, smokes most anything in the price range and is so versatile. Very upgradeable too, I am working on a serious upgrade to mine about another 1500 into it but then it will do everything I need it to do. Also as mentione... 
What Would you Trade your System FOR?
Lornecherry I agree, I have driven tons of cars and one of my buddies has a 360 modena and there is nothing like it, period. A viper can be fast but has no panache, similar to a stang, camaro or even a vette. Out of your 'resonable' choices the Bo... 
What Would you Trade your System FOR?
An endless flow of money, women and hell I would start drinking again! Or I suppose I would give it up for the right girl...but I think the 'right girl' would encourage my hobby and help me recreate it(though I am sure her voice would be all the m... 
Anyone under 30?
True Ryhno, I have given up drinking completely(yes this means that I will no longer be involved with drink threads) in order to fund my stereo hobby a little better. And I also happen to be single so I can spend how I wish, so I have your 2 spend... 
Cables that make no sense...
This reminds me of some reports of audiophile spending, see what percentage folks spend on amps, speakers, pre-amps, cables....etc, then factor in the most of over looked software. Starts getting fairly scary when you have to add EVERYTHING up and... 
Anyone under 30?
Hey Kirk just for the record I was kidding, I am NOT selling my gear, nor will I ever. If the afghanies bomb me and I lose power I will use the generator to power the system to hell with refrigerator and heat. The joys of being young, single and s... 
Anyone under 30?
Geez Kirk that was depressing. I think I am going to sell all me gear now, I've got nothing to look forward to. I was under the impression that it got better with age, I guess that is one of the problems with youth, it makes so many mistakes. Just... 
Tubes Tubes Tubes...
I have heard similiar that some folks double the power of a tube amp, in comparison to a solid state. I don't get it??? But I have noticed little if any "power" problems and I recently went from a solid state 200watt/channel amp to a 60watt/channe... 
Cables that make no sense...
I agree with Gthrush1 to a certain extent.... I woulds much rather have a serious software collection, and OK cables. But rationality does not go hand and hand with this hobby, as we all know or we would not be here. One man's sane is another's in...