
Responses from tireguy

Copy-protected CDs - philosophical discussion
Suing sony, no way but I made a hell of a law suit against Mcdonalds and their too hot coffee :) well maybe not me but I am sure we are all familar with that one. I am sure someone will find a way to file a class acion law suit, but I probably won... 
Copy-protected CDs - philosophical discussion
Frogman, you bring up some interesting points, but at the same time not many people are burning CD's for resale. I don't agree with copying CD's period, but many here enjoy a "spare" copy for the vehicle which is wrong and they should not do it, b... 
They're Here
Flex you bring up some interesting points, I guess the only answer at this point is time will tell. I would enjoy a player that was cabable of doing a good job on all formats, I just don't see it being available any time soon, and if it is it will... 
They're Here
I was visiting an audiophile friend last night and we were discussing how it would be very possible that even on the high end players there may be some comprimise made. That is to say if a good player does it all, there has to be a weakness, be it... 
Copy-protected CDs - philosophical discussion
I stand corrected, I misunderstood his view, I hope Onhwy61 will accept my most humble appologize. I think I will now take your advice and enjoy the pre ;) Thanks for clearing the fog, which for some reason always seems to be clouding my vision. G... 
Copy-protected CDs - philosophical discussion
Well first of all I don't drink beer, nor do I drink any more at all so I am unable to follow instructions(what's new). I never claimed he was an anarchist nor am I attacking his integrity but if he claims to be an audiophile and is yet willing to... 
Copy-protected CDs - philosophical discussion
I can't be as eloquent as CFB, Onhwy61 go away! You don't get and no matter how much any one talks to you never will, mind as well save everyone time and hit highway 61 see where it leads you. I wonder what the "corporate conglomerates" at Telarc,... 
Help on premium cd player
I have an Accuphase digital pre/DAC DC-300-which uses the same DAC as what's in the DP-75v, it sounds incredible. I am going to a friends house to check out his Audio Aero Capitole, which is suppose to be amazing as well, in fact if I could go bac... 
They're Here
I think by spring their are suppose to be models available from McIntosh and Audio Aero that do the same thing, so yes I think the future is here. 
Hall of Shame
Well based on the advice before me I should start all over, I have a new audio bible and can now throw out that crutchfield one I used to use, Thank you Ezmeralda I was so foolish in the past, I actually thought I could hear the difference! 
gem or trash..??
Heh Xiekitchen I have a good audiophile friend who lives on the out-skirts of Georgia, send me an email and I'll put the two of you in touch. 
Which speakers do the hologram thing?
Well most feel it doesn't get any better then soundlab with tubes for the "disappearing act", though they take up more room then most can afford to lose. Also Avalon Acoustics, are known for there disappearing, this has been covered mainy times be... 
Where R U?????
That stinks! 
Monitor speakers - choices to narrowed down to...
As much as I am not a fan of them the B&W nautulis 805's are about the best sounding moniter I have ever heard. My statement about not liking them is simply because I don't like the local dealer, it has nothing to do with the product. Great ba... 
Copy-protected CDs - philosophical discussion
Todd you can't be blamed for your brothers act's, if I where held accountable for my brothers doings I would be in jail. I want nothing to do with 'burned' disks its just nothing I want to risk, why spend 10's of thousands of dollars(on the system...