
Responses from tireguy

Mark Levinson's Guide to Better Sex
I agree but there are better books about "getting it on"-trust me I have read them all. Hell its my job ;) 
overheating in DVP S9000es?
Don-Well I was curious about your query so I watched the Godfather part II last evening, the unit didn't get any warmer then when I started. I have not shut mine off in about 4 months and it maintains the same temp, regardless of what I watch/list... 
Component with most effect on soundstage/imaging?
I would have to assume room/speakers would have more to do with imaging/soundstage then anything else. I have had a super cheap digital front end(long ago) in my system at a period of time and it still imaged, not as well but it did. I would agree... 
Tube preamp with Rowland Model 8
Check out LAMM, airtight and BAT, I know of more then a few folks who prefer Rowland amps using the single ended inputs which would leave BAT out of contention(on the VK-5 and VK-50 models only), however YMMV, what works for one persons system may... 
Tubes plus SS
I have the exact opposite, solid state preamp and tube amp, I am VERY pleased with the sound. YMMV,Tim 
Thoughts on Legacy Whisper Speakers
Well clueless-they're real big! Hope that was a help ;) 
I called Richard Vandersteen
Hddvd- Yea your right things get done that way- cause its cheaper that way, thus the owner makes more, trust me a few people could do what I do but then I would have to pay them, its basic economics ;) 
Where do you sit?
Connoley leather sectional sofa with the V of the couch against the back wall thus V'ing directly into the room(as in not in the corner as your typical sectional, ain't nothing typical about me :) Why spend tons of green and sit on a lawn chair, e... 
I called Richard Vandersteen
Pete- It could just be a case where he is too cheap to pay someone to do something that he can do himself. I know that is what I do, sure I could work less but then I wouldn't make as much, if he is 1/10 as greedy as me then I would suspect that t... 
The best cable for my system Interconnect and SPKR
Try out Jena Labs high end cables, it is rumored that people are running away from their Nordost Valhalla in groves for these cables, and at a fraction of the price! I am going to upgrade to these cables in spring, hopfully price won't go up as th... 
Searching Prior Threads...Worth Your Time...
Hate to say it but there has been threads about this in the past. Some members(myself included) will point this out to newbies and those who ask very common questions-my favorite is "who makes a CD player with Volume control?" must have been poste... 
I called Richard Vandersteen
Pete-Great to see a post from you! its been a while. In regards to Clueless I have never called "dick" as he was called in a previous thread, nor do I plan too. Things get busy at times at businesses and then your not happy, thus leading to grumpi... 
What time do you wear?
Stasis-Well that depends on what your wearing? if you have an A.Silberstein that you wear to funerals then yea you need help, but if your sporting a PP Nautilus then your cool in my book ;) 
questions about the DVP S9000es
Don- Man this would have been weird if I got a VK-30 as well, which was at the top of my list, but I just didn't like the volume knob! what a complaint, eh? Besides another member here offered me a killer deal on his old pre which was an offer too... 
CD Player for around 3500?
Keis-If you want to know the nitty-gritty about the Audio Aero player, send my friend Jonathan an email he goes by the moniker Jtinn-he is VERY knowledgeable about all things audio but the audio aero is one of his favorites. He is sick at the mome...