
Discussions timtim has started

Who has upgraded from Tara Labs Air cables ?32492
Oh how I wish Class D amps ...188804152
Bel Canto Pre3 & Wyred 4 Sound STP se .. anyone ?42071
Best used floorstander on the FS forum under $2500427713
EVS modded BDP-83 , or separate DAC ?61508
Changing tweeters ... How to know if it will work32184
STUPIDLY high resolution pure silver interconnects2946322
Weaknesses of the Adcom GFA-5802 ?367018
Opinions on the Zaph Audio ZRT Revelator Towers ?2293114
SS Amps that are NOT warm and euphonic ?1206926
B&K Reference amps ... Opinions please108289
High power amp reccomendations, airy highs a must1254221
solid silver enamel coated magnet wire ?80203
So I want to rip music from internet to CDR drive19662
music server virgin needs answers395811