
Responses from timrhu

Class D amps,bang for your buck ones
MarkalarsenI now have had an opportunity to upgrade to the NuForce Reference 9V3SE and allow them to burn in. Burning in was critical. What incredible amps. I doubt you will be seeing any of these on the used market.Let me be the first to take tha... 
Speakers for live piano performance
Here's a better website to ask this question. From the few threads I've read it seems like they know what they're talking about.gearslutz 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
Bongofury, point taken. For me though, it is simply a matter of taste. I have kids who play, or did play, rap music frequently. I listened to it and realized it wasn't for me. When I say wasn't for me, I mean I was not the target audience. Listen ... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
What kills me is when some guy pulls up next to me in what I would stereotype as a southern redneck vehicle, you know, a pickup truck with a rifle rack. And out of the stereo comes loud gangsta rap of the most extreme kind. I don't get that at all... 
What is the most analog sounding CD player under $
This Resolution Audio CD-50fits your requirements. I don't know the seller but do own one. Yeah we all recommend the item we own bur I've had mine for years now. Can't find better, and I have tried. 
I expect they would sound significantly different. As to which is better will be up to your ears. I have been using the Meadowlark Kestrels on and off for five or six years now. Hard to say how many different speakers have been in my system as I t... 
Any suggestions for good obscure music?
Jax2, I saw Richard Thompson live a couple years ago. It was just him and his guitar if I recall correctly. It was a jazz festival with acts going on all day. I felt like I was one of the few in the audience who knew who he was. Great set.This is ... 
Does Technology Trump Quality?
Five or six years ago I found a speaker that lets me listen to music without listening to the speaker. I wish I would have realized that back then, instead I have spent the last five years trying to best them. Monitors, planars, hybrids, horns, ev... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Sit, point taken. Maybe I should have ended my post with one of these :)The way I see it is there are many recordings which can be enjoyed start to finish but few which over the years have maintained perfection. So many good recordings fall short ... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Sit, really? While there are some fine albums on that list you should get a dictionary out and look up "perfect." 
What has been your most satisfying component?
Three years from my first response to this thread and I'm still using the Resolution Audio CD-50 and Meadowlark Audio Kestrels. Amazing with the amount of equipment churning through my system. There have quite a few, 10 maybe, others cdps trying t... 
Suggestions for an Integrated Amp $400
Please buy the Arcam referenced above by Reubent before temptation overwhelms me. That is a super deal if in the stated condition. I have no use for it or it would be gone already. 
best speaker wire for buck
My advice is wait until the Paradigms are broke in before auditioning cables. You just may like the Audioquest with them. 
Best way to couple monitor speakers to stands?
The M20s have threaded holes in the bottom. When I owned the M20s I mounted them to my Sound Anchor stands via a plate I made with holes drilled to match the M20 mounting holes. I had to drill counter sunk holes in the plates to match the stands m... 
Doesn't DAC Do Heavy Lifting vs. Transport?
I have owned 5 or 6 (probably more) dacs and thought each had a unique sound. In my experience the transport, which was the digital out from a cdp or dvd player, was irrelevant. At least I could hear no difference when subbing in a different trans...