
Responses from timrhu

Any advantage or dis whn bolting rack to wall?????
I checked out your pics. It has a very clean look to it. Nice job. 
Any risk in refinishing the speakers?
What Nrchy said. Especially the last sentence. 
What CD players have volume control
Add Cary cd players to yor list. I believe they all have volume control. 
Why does my system sound better??
Probably your imagination. 
Using Bad Recording to Evaluate a System
I had a very similar experience at a hi-end shop. When the owner asked me why I would use the particular cd to demo his speakers I said "if I can't enjoy this cd then these speakers are no good to me." He had no problem with this concept. I've own... 
NAD or Music Hall?
The NAD 541-i has worked well for me for more than a year now. Very smooth sound and reliable to boot. That being said, I've been considering the Onix mentioned above. I don't think you'd go wrong with either one. 
Terminating AQ Bedrock cables
Exactly right. With newer versions of AQ cable the individual strands are commonly labled as treble and bass with black strands marked likewise to facilitate biwiring. If you don't intend to biwire then simply divide and terminate. If you intend t... 
Power Cord for Audio Refinement Integrated?
I owned an AR Complete integrated a while back and was suprised to see the stock power cord was 18 gauge wire. I replaced mine with a simple Belden 14 gauge unit which I installed a hospital grade plug. Did it help the sound? Can't say I noticed a... 
CD Transport Maintenance
I used a light silicon lubricant on a squeeky Denon drawer, applied to the teeth and rail. It worked wonders. 
Are Dual turntables any good?
I owned a 505-3, or was it a 503-5? Honestly don't recall but it was a nice belt drive that always peformed well. Try this web site for a lot of good info on vintage Dual tables: http://www.compassnet.com/concept/tableinx.htm 
What the H ll Happened Here?
I had a similar problem with Paradigm speakers, blown voice coils. Mine were overdriven by my son (damn that rap music) and he blew tree of the four woofers. I odered relpacement woofers from Paradigm; a snap to replace but not cheap.You may have ... 
Small circulating fan to cool amps
Not sure of size requirements but check this fan out http://mcm.newark.com/NewarkWebCommerce/mcm/en_US/endecaSearch/partDetail.jsp?SKU=50-1672&N=0 
Best Jazz and Rock & Roll HDCD CDs
Anybody mention Grant Lee Buffalo, Copperopolis? 
Grant Lee Buffalo, "Copperopolis." Just noticed the HDCD light on. 
Legacy Whisper owners - Steridian problem
I agree with Beavis. Hard to imagine Legacy wouldn't send you the piece and possibly take your defective unit in with a core charge/credit.