
Responses from timrhu

Watch out for your Paypal Account
I've answered a few of them with "F*#^ off." I got bored with that and now simply igmore them. 
Need Help on TDC Speakers
I owned a pair of TDC speakers during the early 70s while in high school. They were purchased at Tech Hifi to replace my home made speakers. My father bought them for me after we listened to JBL, Advent, BIC and probably a few others. The TDC were... 
Has everyone heard the Waif's?
I'll give them a listen on your recommendation. Thanks. 
Need Help on TDC Speakers
I owned a pair of TDC speakers in the early 70s while still in high school. Don't remember the model number but I do remember they were purchased from Tech Hifi which was an audio retailer in New England at the time. Don't know if they are still i... 
seperates over integrated. Why?
Stan, we don't disagree at all here except for the point about price. I always look at the price point to which a component was built when considering performance. If looking for the best sound on a budget of $2K or less then integrated amps shoul... 
seperates over integrated. Why?
Okay Stanhifi you convinced me........just kidding.This depends on the price point we're looking at. As I said before, if we're talking about an amplification system retailing for $30K, separates will be superior. But can a separate system be buil... 
Any XTC fans?
I predict your gonna love Apple Venus. Let us know after a few listens. 
Help, Turntable Belt.... Weird
It depends on the composition of the belt. If the manufacturer recommends Windex then use it. I service belt driven mechanisms (not audio) all day long and use Windex or generics to clean belts regularly with no ill effects. BTW speed and timing i... 
Warm and pleasing CDP - can be biased, colored
I had to check Talon4"s system to understand how he could say a $1,400 used cd player is inexpensive. It's all relative I guess.For a truly inexpensive cdp, I suggest the NAD C-541i ($225 used). Very smooth sound with the bonus of HDCD. I've owned... 
HDCD Lists
Larryvt, thanks for that site. I have a couple of those discs in the HDCD list. I have recommended the compilation disc "A Nod to Bob" a couple times on this site and will do it again. It's great. I'll check out a few others from that list. I hope... 
seperates over integrated. Why?
Stanhifi, I understand your point very clearly, I just happen to disagree with it. Now I'm not talking about extremes here such as comparing a $3K integrated to $30K worth of separates. Let's compare the measured performance of a $3K integrated to... 
seperates over integrated. Why?
>>No, it's a performance thing.<<I we're talking about quality components, which measured parameters are bettered by separates over integrateds? If there are no consistently measured differences then I'd say it's a personal thing. This... 
Aural assault?
The worse case I've encountered recently is music in the parking lot of a grocery store in an upscale part of town. This is super annoying. Open your car door to be assaulted by Hotel California. What makes the store's decision makers think this n... 
seperates over integrated. Why?
For years (more than I care to admit) my listening system consisted of separates including amp, pre-amp, transport and DAC with all the associated cables. About a two and a half years ago I bought an integrated amp and haven't looked back. Does it... 
Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, audio group.
Interesting idea. I live in Indy and have wondered if a local group exists. I believe there is an active group currently in Cincinatti. We'll see what developes.