
Responses from timrhu

So You Think You Know Your Mozart?
8 for 10 but then again I listen to very little classical music. It must be very easy for classical music listeners. 
my 9000es is acting strange
Could be the lens is dirty or has simply collected dust from sitting so long. I had a similar situation just last week with my daughter's Sony cd player. I removed the cover and gently swabbed the lens with alcohol and then used canned air to dry ... 
It's definitely a non-audiophile way of thinking. If a component is "musical" you can listen to and feel the emotion of the music without thinking about the system your hearing it on. I sometimes get this feeling in my 96 Jetta but rarely when pla... 
recommendation for best low cost rca interconnect
Kimber Kable PBJ or DH Labs BL-1. 
Opinions on Sony TA-F808ES integrated amp from 90s
I replaced my beloved Roksan Kandy III with a TA-F707ES because it just blew the supposedly more powerful Roksan away in every category. The 707 is pretty much identical excepting for the material used on the top panel and the speaker terminals. V... 
Eating-up cheap dvd players
Keep using the el cheapo's. That way you won't be so bummed when they destroy the expensive ones. I was a television technician in the Air Force for 17 years so my family always wants to ask me "what's the best TV?" My answer is always, "what's on... 
Does it / Do they pass the wife test? Speakers
Used to have the same problem until I got a room dedicated to audio. But while my stuff was in the living room I found speakers with a sloped appearance satisfied the wife. Thiel 1.5s and Meadowlark Kestrels were her favorites. Not too large and t... 
When will your system be enough?
Grannyring, I couldn't agree more. For a period I was stuck on that same treadmill, until I noticed I was spending more time fiddling with equipment trying to decide if the new piece was better than the piece it replaced. I knew it had gone too fa... 
Sound tripping at "not loud enough" volumes
When you say "7 o'clock" do you mean one o'clock or are all your clocks upside down? 
Should a CDP be left on 24/7 or shut off & on?
I turn my system off (always have) when not using it. I believe it stabalizes in 10 or 15 minutes. I don't hear any difference and figure I'm saving precious resources.Also, I've come to the conclusion that I don't listen with the same intent or i... 
Audio Refinement complete or Nad C370 ?
I enjoyed the Audio Refinement Complete (ARC) that graced my system. One of the few amps I regretted selling. 
Those flaming DK design posts were my favorites. Although I never contributed, I did enjoy reading them and learned a lot about members. It was later that I realized by adding to the post it is easier to track. Now I get the most enjoyment from po... 
Just ordered Selma Songs at half.com. Looking forward to a new Bjork cd for late night listening. 
Great music but poor recording recommendations.
A couple of cds with great music that is poorly recorded are Santana's "Abraxas" and "The Joshua Tree" by U2. It may just be the particular versions I have but these have less than audiophile sound. These two recordings are some of the ones I list... 
"Post" is my favorite Bjork cd. Love it start to finish. I'll have to give a closer listen to Vespertine.