
Responses from timrhu

Another article re CD sales
Depressing, unfortunate and inevitable.A trend that is inimical to my music habits. I had to look that word up in the dictionary so I thought I'd use it in a sentence to reinforce my learning. 
Monitor with Portal Panache & Rega Planet?
Well the Silverline SR-17s would probably be an excellent choice for the Portal, about as close to full range as you'll find in a monitor. The Von Schweikert monitors aren't in the same league as the others on your list IMHO. Yes I owned the VR-1s... 
more reliable amp: tube or solid state class A
Yo Pauly, "strange comment?" As I read through these threads it seems very common for respondents to mention the many components coming and going through their systems. Some Agon members seem to change components as often as they change their sock... 
Regardless of how much you've spent...
Been at it for 35 years or so. It got worse a few years ago until I realized I was never going to get the ultimate system. It wasn't as important as my daughters' education. Justlisten, relax man. Your frustration is a bit frightening. 
How do you pay? Why?
Paypal is my favorite method for both buying and selling here and even more on ebay. The reason? The money in my paypal account is reserved for this hobby. My wife has no idea how much is in the account nor does she care. As others have stated, I ... 
more reliable amp: tube or solid state class A
Over the long haul? Do you really expect to be using which ever you decide on for more than a few years? If you are seriously considering replacing your McIntosh amps already, it seems unlikely. It always amazes me when someone using this site say... 
Monitors for Sim integrated
I'm currently listening to Silverline monitors with Classe integrated. The best stand mount speakers I've owned to date. Worth investigating. 
Audio Physic Virgo III, probrem on left Speaker
If you push on the suspect woofer do you hear a scratching sound? If so, then the voice coil is bad. Happened to me with a pair of Paradigms after my son used them. As for repair, you should be able to get a replacement driver from Audio Physic. P... 
Audio Alchemy DDE v.3 Dac problem
If you have the instruction manual look for a RAM clear function. My AA DLC had one to clear the program if it got scrambled or locked up. Had to do it once, not a problem. 
Whose got best class D at this point?
Very interesting thread as I'm looking at the Bel Canto and Nu force integrateds. I like Ruebent's advice in his first paragraph but not the second. I've found users who contribute to the Audiocircle dedicated forums are enthusiastic advocates for... 
Sub. selection
The Velodyne SPL-800 works very well in my small room with a pair of Silverline SR-15s. It was much easier to mate the sub than I expected as my previous attempt at using a sub (Mirage) was less than satisfactory. I find it very musical, not boomy... 
Speaks for sensitive, tinnitus-y ears?
Soft dome, usually fabric such as silk, instead of metal dome tweeter is what I look for. Yes, this is generalizing but from my experience harshness or excessive high frequency energy is associated with metal tweeters. The only speaker with a meta... 
Speaks for sensitive, tinnitus-y ears?
Although I can't use the word "painful" I also don't like bright sounding speakers. The smoothest, that's my word for easy to listen to, speakers I've owned are Meadowlark Kestrel Hot Rods. These speakers truly get out of the way and bring no atte... 
Small bookshelfs that reach 42 hz
You should also check out the Silverline monitors. The SR-15 and SR-16s both reach 40HZ and are a little less than $2K new. The SR-17s go even lower. I recently purchased a pair of the SR-15s and am enjoying them quite a bit. God luck with your se... 
input & output cable for Nakamchi tape deck
Gonna go out on a limb and recommend the Acoustic Research PR-130 cables recommended by Sam Tellig. You can find them on ebay for < $10. Use them until you find something better, but for the $ it'll be hard to do in your application.