
Responses from timeltel

What percentage of audiophiles use a sub ?
Four modest active subs realistically integrated with four standmounted Para. Signature 40's. Sensible application is required for the music to be reproduced as the artist intended it to be heard, subs do not necessarily need to be driven to the l... 
Songs for intense listening
Geoch: If I may, neither conclusive nor comprehensive but in the genre and for consideration in the "most necessary" category:Also from "Court & Spark": "Car On A Hill". First track, side two. Sibilance. Alignment. "Incident at Neshabur": Sant... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Pryso: Your post concerning clip on tonearm dampeners brought me a smile, it reminded me of the clamp-to-the-headshell camel's hair brush used when ceramic cartridges and five gm VTF were common. I have one (or more) lurking somewhere. Th... 
What is the correct way to use the Zerostat?
An old trick is to point the Zerostat away while pulling the lever, then towards the brush when releasing. This gives the record brush a neg. charge and is quite effective for collecting debris. Best results occur by treating the lp while off the ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Link dosn't seem to work. Google "Mother of Tone". Index on left, second or third down, click on "Listening, Levels & Truth". For those interested, it's a short read echoing thoughts certian others have expressed in this thread.Raul, looking f... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Raul: Interesting posts over the last several days, it seems "listening" is the theme. Listening for alignment: I've concluded that alignment graphs are simply an aid to "roughing in" a cartridge, there are too many variances in spindle-t... 
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?
Downunder: That's going to be a long list, throw my name in the hat, too. Regarding the Acutex, two months ago I purchased an LPM 412STR for approx. $50, NOS and free shipping from Greece. The intended use was to test used vinyl and I anticipated ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Raul: I can understand why you enjoy the Acutex LPM 315. Listening to the LPM 310E-111/M312STR hybrid, comparison to the elliptical reveals the superior quality of the STR stylus, enough so I that have found several of the M315STR-111 for... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Raul: RE. Effective length, pivot to spindle, cartridge alignment. Well said. Presuming the pivot to spindle dimension is correct and the effective length is accurate, I cannot see why alignment assumes such mythical proportions of diffic... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hello, Strat1117: Agree with all the above, one exception. VTA/SRA. On the fly VTA with the EPA tonearm systems make adjustment so simple, obsession overrides pragmatism and cartridge changes demand it. Mysteriously, the antique and difficult to a... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Lewm: I intuit an apology may be appropriate. The above post was done late last night and after a full weekend of hosting overnight company. I may have been a little, um, testy? First, the refered to cartridge with the stylus protector raised exte... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Greetings, Lewm: Your struggle with the Dyna. TA was somewhat on my mind as I laborously composed. You are absolutely correct in your response, alignment should meet the requirements of the tonearm. The problem is that there are four generally acc... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Raul: Your posts concerning alignment are well put, applicable comments by others in that thread are also informative. Let me go out on a limb: Different set-up geometries also slightly alter the heard characteristics of a cartridge. Baer... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Greetings, Raul: I trust my ears and audio experience, but your respected opinion is frequently a confirmation of my impressions. Please delay any positive statements regarding the Acutex line until I can find several replacement styli, as when yo... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Raul. Continuing with Acutex, some general information/impressions for those who may be interested concerning a rarely mentioned brand. I've found a LPM 310E, the stylus is elliptical and has little (to my ears) to recommend it. The bass ...