
Responses from timeltel

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Chakster:You wrote: "The Signet and Precept are just an export brands of the Audio-Technica, those cartridges are not for sale in Japan, but normally sells in the USA and Europe, but it does not make them better than Japanese Audio-Techni... 
Tonearm microphonics
Regards, rotarius:Thanks for the considerate manner of your post. Please consider: "Constructive" and "Desirable" are not necessarily synonyms.First, neither are resonance or interference technically the same. However, when considering transducers... 
Tonearm microphonics
Regards. Correct me if I'm wrong, I really don't mind. A cartridge doesn't care where it's signal comes from and if any constituent part of a turntable can resonate, it will. Resonance can be either constructive or destructive, airborne or mechani... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Regards. ThuchanWith titanium, when considering midrange enhancement the eigen value of resonance on a molecular level is not apparent (IIRC) until the 135th harmonic.Other elements discussed in this thread resonate at a much baser level, a common... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Regards. Stereoneedles (dot com) still offers the original ATN155LC. Another alternative from the same vendor would be the ATN140LC, a nude LC stylus on a tapered alloy cantilever. A slightly warmer performer. As Halcro (hi, Henry!) mentioned, the... 
Nude Turntable Project
Regards, Halcro: Intriguing. Echo chamber? If so, Dynamat or loose insulation might address the issue.Peace, 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Jbethree: A comparison of the LPM 312 and 412 illustrates the qualities one might expect when describing typical qualities of a moving iron relative to a comparable moving magnet cartridge. In spite of being MM (as are all the 4xx series)... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Regards, Halcro: Congratulations on the TT-71. The deck is capable of demonstrating the qualities of alternate mats, have fun! (Nice cartridge / stylus too).Peace, 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Fleib: You wrote: "Get out your load resistors." Just teasing, sorry if it was overly obscure. Again, thanks for your response.As it is easier to let the cat out of the bag than to put it back in, MM phono section is 2.5mV sensitivity. Th... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, fleib: Old Toshiba went kaput a while back, took out such saved data with it, some of which it is now not likely to be recovered. Learned tonight that snoring may lead to early memory loss and Alzhimers. Double whammy, 'puter crashed &... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Halcro: RE the Z1, I settled on 50K Ohms & 200pF. 300pF (from my listening) is possibly correct but as mentioned above I do enjoy a slightly prominent midrange.Fleib: Mea culpa, my poorly phrased post! Seems I'm incapable of grouping ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Fleib: El Diablo's peeve was with the TK7SU, not the TK7LCa. Due I believe to a poorly fitting stylus assembly. From his comments ("distortions", naturally) it was possibly not as tight a fit as would be desired. Raul would never revisit ... 
the difficult second Lp
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards,Griffithds: Hi, Don. Have been searching, no cart yet. Did find a JVC DT-Z1E stylus. Should be here tomorrow. Thanks for your kind attention, it's much appreciated.Peace, 
Skeletal vs Plinth style turntables
Regards, all: I'm quite impressed by the depth of experience reflected in the comments above. Except that Gibson fellow. He's a hack and prone to gross exaggeration.Viridian suggests that the removal of the tonearm from the plinth tends to remove ...