
Responses from tim916

Upgrade from Polk Audio LSi9's
Since you are using a Simaudio integrated you might want to check out some Dynaudio's. I just recently aquired a Simaudio W-3 and it matches very well with my Special 25's. In comparison to my McCormack DNA-125 it is a bit warmer, yet more detaile... 
Simaudio W-5 or Pass X-250 for Dynaudio Special 25
My set up is for both HT and 2-ch. The DVD-3800 actually acts as a transport for the AVP2 which has pretty good DAC's built into it. It will work as an analog preamp but in order to do that I would have to turn off the sub output which would screw... 
Simaudio W-5 or Pass X-250 for Dynaudio Special 25
Stiltskin,Slightly OT, but did you by any chance audition the Confidence C1 as well? When I purchased my Special 25's the dealer had C1's on hand but he thought the 25 would be a better speaker for my room (which at the time it was) so I never lis... 
Upgrade from ART DIO?
Bob,I agree with that I should get a turntable, and I am hoping to add one within the next year or so. However, I have a lot of cd's and I am looking to squeeze the most performance I can out of them so I still want to upgrade my digital. 
Best amp with Dynaudio
This is slightly off-topic but does anyone know if a Sim W-3 would have enough juice to drive Special 25's? I know that a W-5 would probably be better but funds are a little tight. 
Best used sub for $300 and $600?
I would look into a new SVS PB1-ISD for $599. I just replaced a REL Q201e with one and it blows the REL away IMO.www.svsubwoofers.com 
Looking for opinions on ATC Active 10's or 20's...
Thanks for the feedback people.Lazarus, Do you feel that the Active 20 is a significant step up from the Active 10?