
Responses from tiger

Are bad rooms keeping the hobby alive?
Yet you have people who believe leather is 'soft furniture'. How many significant others would let you use a rolled up rug, of course from the odds and ends bin at Home Depot, as the poor man's tube trap. Talk about tweak. 
Sony SCD-1 is it the best player for the money?
cAMBRIDGE 840 IS GREAT ON RED BOOKS AND BEATS THE FICKLE SCD. I have its cousin xa777es which has 5.1 outputs also. Having recently heard the 840 I can say it best's the Sony's 
For best CD playback is SACD needed?
Yes, if you are interested in some of the vintage Jazz that were recorded in 3 track takes and are now being issued in hybird SACD. I think the best one is Miles/Blue, which was recorded mono, three tracks. I have all the others, vinyl, red book a... 
which would you replace first?
PHONOMENA, GET AN ear 845/324 
External DAC for Sony SCD-777ES
Cut to a simpler approach. Go listen to a Cambridge 840 player. I think you will find its DAC well beyond any outboard. Get a dealer to loan you a unit, then you can compare to your current setup. The 840 squeezes out everything there is in red bo... 
What Volume do you listen at?
The basement is the way to go, assuming you can AC/Heat it and that that equipment can be isolated so as not to provide a nasty 'noise' floor. That being said, what you are looking for is 'live' music levels of volume. Everything else becomes just... 
The best speaker on the used market for $1000.00
ProAc 1sc 
Help - Tubelover has to built a hometheater budget
Think about getting the Integra DTC-9.8 multichannel preamp-processor ($1600). Then use your tube amps for the front pair and add additional amps for the other channels as your setup requires. I suggest looking at the Parts Express Dayton APA150 1... 
Why Do Audio Engineers Use Different Speakers?
Yes, I recently was surprised in meeting an audio engineer in New York City who has spent a life time working for Sony, his home speakers were a self made single driver tower pair. Better then some $10,000 speaker pairs I have heard. The drivers w... 
Where are the female Audiophiles?
I agree, they are smarter. Thank goodness or men would have vanished long ago. 
Dedicated Audio Room Lighting Ideas?
Try shelve lighting on the perimeter of the room with dimmers, each wall should be on a separate dimmer. If you are into DIY, try using rain gutters, about with the top about 6 inches down from the ceiling, and place the lighting in the gutter. Yo... 
How Do You Organize Your Music?
I use the 'collectze' software. Each disk gets assigned a number when it is cataloged. I have pre printed numbers on 'dot' lables. Dot lable goes on the disk case. All the disks are shevled in numberical order by number assigned. this way I sort t... 
Turntable will share wall with 52" flat panel ...
Closet? Other room? Putting it out of sight means stopping all room resonances. This only works if 'sound' can not get to the table. You will be surpirsed how the sound in a room can affect table, arm cartridge and dustcover. The latter should alw... 
Speakers with high WAF?
There are none! Just accept that condition of life. Build a separate room, it is the right thing to do. Peace will come into your life! 
Cash burning a hole What to upgrade?
Cambridge 840 cd player. You will be pleased in discovering your music all over again. I am a great believer in working back from the source.