
Responses from thuchan

Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Mosin,I agree with you on the usage of the term neutral. This seems to be to most often abused expression in High End. People were educated going for a neutral (= no influences of any part of the TT in comparison to the original recording) reprodu... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Mosin,Jean did a brilliant project when restoring the double deck. In case of the motor it is an over dimesioned design of fully industrial production at a specialized German motor producer. You see similar "guys" in the Studer C37, very heavy and... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Dkarmeli, When Jonathan informed us on Agon some time ago about the arriving Airforce One I was pretty curious comparing it with my MS SX 8000 II. I saw the New Micro Seiki design at Highend 2012 in Munich the first time and got dissapointed about... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Tbg, if you have a close look at the technology, the design and the build quality of the EMT 927 you will discover quickly why it is not made anymore or why no one copied it. I recommend looking at one or even better listening to one if you have t... 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Dear Nandric,too old to rock'n roll, to young to... ? sometimes one needs to jump. in your case you may get a good SUT from someone. Just give it a try. Don?t believe the Schaefers of this world. They have good intentions within their own world. I... 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Lewm,I thought I had passed the voodoo units but when I tried the small acoustic system resonators some years ago I got really puzzled about their impacts.I heard about the Stein products when I attended the RMAF. My friend in Atlanta took them wi... 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Dear Nandric,never discuss a product's name :-) just google! yes you are right on the SME and the dynamic balancing principle used here, the magnetic support is an additional feature allowing it's virtues only in a small corridor. 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Agree, Toho is really nice, especially when two advanced technologies come together in the ToXiom arrangement, old and modern. I had some time playing around with the many options and versatility the Axiom design offers. Because of the different w... 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Lewm, Toto is also a gambling platform in Germany where you can vote on soccer games. While I was in Japan I learned that Toto is not only producing toilets but a variety of sanitair products, also High End...A really interesting company but maybe... 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Having now experimented with my new ToXion arm I am puzzled about the differences you can hear between the different materials the six Toho-tubes provide on the Axiom arm. One may believe it or not my current favourite is Bamboo. No I had only one... 
Headshell leads and Arche headshell
Dear Nandric, just installed my ToXiom with six different tubes and Arche. A phantastic match. I like seeing the magnets working in a very narrow corridor. . . Couldn't get it out of my mind these days. 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
To my understanding and hopefully I have learned my lessons we do concentrate very much on the front end while the basics behind the system (power supplies - oh yes it can make a difference, power distribution, fuses, matching parameters between p... 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Dear Lewm,i tried both ways, a switch with relais (Manley switch) and the silverswitch of Dertonearm. While the Manley is a really good design I stayed with the UNIswitch. Of course you always have a degrading when putting units in between the lin... 
To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges
Downunder,sometimes I am responsible for clearing the ground for some new small product ideas :-) In case of the UNIswitcher I asked Dertoneam some years ago if he could build such a switcher for my many tables and phono pres. The aim was not loos... 
Sound room flooring advice needed
are you talking about a swimming pool? I remember when I built my listening room as a separate building deep into the earth my wife claimed it would have been better if I had decided going for a swimming pool.Nevertheless when you have the chance ...